Hermione's Feeling

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After returning from Hogsmede, and having an encounter with Malfoy, I'd spent most of the late afternoon isolated in the library catching up on some work. It was somewhat difficult to focus but I grit my teeth and spent as many hours as I could before finally packing up. It came at complete shock when I noticed the tense atmosphere of the Gryffindor common room that evening. 

As soon as I had stepped through the portrait hole, I knew something must have happened. People were huddled and either speaking in hushed voices, or gossiping animatedly. 

Harry, Hermione and Ron were sitting uncomfortably and looking nervous. Harry seemed the most upset, avoiding eye contact with both of them. When Hermione spotted me, she sat up, taking the books off her lap quickly to greet me. She discretely ushered me to a further corner of the room, away from the other people. 

"What is it?" I asked, my voice not hushed, my brow furrowed. 

She motioned for m to speak softly and whispered in a hurry. "It's Katie. She was cursed - badly."

"What?" I said louder than I should have. Hermione shushed me instantly. "Katie Bell?" 

She explained. "We were walking when we noticed that up ahead Katie and her friend were in an argument. Katie wasn't acting herself, and we found out that she'd been under the imperious curse. She was trying to deliver a neckless into the school," she said, all in a rush. 

I was already gawking at the mention of the imperious curse because that seemed pretty serious, but the rest of the story was even more terrible.

"The neckless was cursed with dark magic and Katie touched it. Next thing we know, she was... well I don't want to talk about it, it was rather frightening. But she's in the hospital now."

"But wait, I don't understand," I said. "Who cursed her? And why?" 

She sighed at this and mumbled, "Harry thinks he knows." She shook her head in frustration. I still looked dumbfounded though so she specified. "He thought it was Malfoy. He was bold enough to accuse him in front of McGonagall and Snape." She shook her head, clearly annoyed with her friend. 

Without thinking I said, "No it wasn't him."

She glanced at me with the side of her eyes. "How could you know that?" she asked, looking at me suspiciously.

I watched my words this time, saying as little as I had to. 

"I ran into him after I came back from Hogsmede. He was leaving McGonagalls office. I'm pretty sure he was in detention," I clarified. I could have told her more about the interaction, but I felt uncomfortable. 

She agreed that McGonagall had confirmed my theory after Harry made his accusation. But she also looked at me with a hint of concern on her face. "Bella, you're not... acquainted with Malfoy are you?"

What?" I spluttered. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you don't speak with him do you? I may not think he's a Death Eater but that doesn't mean he's not bad news. And if Harry found out..."

I cut her off, wanting the subject changed. "I've never spoken to him, 'Mione. I just saw him after Hogsmede today, that's all."

I'm not even sure why I felt so compelled to lie when it came to discussing any interaction with Malfoy. It was almost reflexive. She seemed convinced with what I was saying, but it was fortunate she wasn't reading my face which might have given my lie away. Instead she was looking at Harry. 

She was still looking at him when she spoke at barely a whisper, "I get the feeling - and it might be silly but please hear me out- that Harry is more than just suspicious of Malfoy for being a follower of You Know Who." 

I wasn't sure where she was headed with that, and I was sure I must have shown confusion all over my face. I let myself gaze over to Harry who was still sitting by the fire, his face in his hands, looking stressed.

Hermione continued, speaking slowly and cautiously now. "It's this new obsession... and, well, I've just had this feeling, that it might have something to do with... you."

My eyes snapped back to her face. "Huh?" 

"You know," she said, looking like she didn't want to spell it out for me. So instead, she just widened her eyes. 

Somehow, I got the message loud and clear. And worried now, I attempted to casually refute her concern and so I poked fun.

"Blimey Hermione, what is this? You're one for facts, not feelings. I don't see why you'd think Malfoy has any thoughts about me. And if he did, I don't see why any of them would be even the slightest bit positive."

She looked irritated. "Well it might not be facts but I have a good sense about these things. It's just something in Harry's look. It feels like more than just a silly schoolboy rivalry." 

She looked at my forced-comical expression and defended herself aggressively. 

"I don't see why it's not plausible! You are his girlfriend now and it's only natural he'd be protective and want you safe."

She made a convinving point but I still played like she was a fool, shaking my head and smiling.

She looked scandalized. "You and Ron have the emotional range of a teaspoon, I can't see why this wouldn't make sense!"

"Let it go, 'Mione. It's just not true." I led her back to the chairs and we sat down with Ron and Harry.

Despite quieting Hermione's thoughts on the issue, mine started to rage. Her points were convincing, but they were so unlikely. Malfoy had been cold to me during both of our encounters this year. 

While true that he may have complimented me on the train on our first day, that was little evidence for any deeper feelings - and that was assuming Luna was right and it even happened to begin with. Harry must know that it meant nothing anyway because Malfoy wouldn't even think about touching anyone other than a pure blood. 

But still...there were those intense but fleeting looks across the Great Hall that I always tried desperately to ignore. 

But it wasn't because I didn't like them...it was because I did.

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