Quidditch Pitch Drama

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A bit longer than week had gone by since the encounter with Malfoy in the Room of Requirement and the responsibilities of school were now in full force. It was a Saturday morning when I woke up to the sound of Ginny getting ready for Quidditch tryouts.

"Sorry," she said apologetically, realizing she woke me up. 

I stirred and groaned at the light that was seeping through the windows. I pulled the covers back over me hoping to fall asleep for another hour but the blankets were yanked off me. 

"Well since you're awake, you might as well stay awake, babe. Hurry up," she said, smacking my butt and then standing with her arms on her hips, waiting for me to rise. I reluctantly got out of bed, scowling.

I walked with Ginny across the dewy grass, accompanying her to the change rooms. I don't play Quidditch but the team has always let me stick around. They call it "moral support." 

Entering the room, the boys had just finished putting on their uniforms and I saw the last second of Harry pulling on his shirt.

"Hey, there's our moral support," he said smiling, striding over to me and pulling me into hug. 

Behind Harry's back, but facing me, Ginny looked pleasantly surprised for me and mouthed "get some" with a wink. 


I was sitting on the stands watching the team do some drills. It was still chilly this early in the morning and there was a slight breeze. I watched as Harry sat hovering on his broom, looking below for the golden snitch. He looked great, he was always a natural. I knew he wanted to be an Auror after graduating but he could have a serious career as a Quidditch player if he ever wanted. 

About 20 minutes later, a few other students began climbing up the stands to watch the practise but it was still relatively quiet. I noticed Hermione at the far side of the stands. She didn't notice me- her eyes were on Ron who was trying out for Keeper. I didn't walk over to sit with her though because she seemed really concentrated on the tryouts and I didn't want to distract her. She barely broke her stare while watching the people above, muttering to herself. 

I noticed one player, the one also trying out for Keeper, make an unfortunate jerk in the air, missing the quaffle. My eyes bounced back to Ron and he looked pleased, as did Hermione.

 I looked around again for Harry. He was speeding after the snitch so fast that it was difficult to even keep my eye on him.

Suddenly, I heard a deep voice from behind me grumble, "Mudblood."

I turned around, two Slytheirn boys were scowling at me, looking me up and down. I looked away, a little hurt, but not surprised. 

Not that they had any right to use that word, but I wasn't even muggle-born. But that wouldn't matter to them anyway; If you weren't pure blood, you weren't worth the time of day according to them. 

Suddenly my scarf was yanked backwards, pulling me backwards with it and restricting the air to my throat. I gasped and tried to catch myself from falling backwards off of the seat. They laughed obnoxiously loud.

"Can you grow up!" I retorted, angrily, repositioning myself. 

They laughed even louder.

Just then, I heard a loud whooshing sound make its way past my ear, and I watched as the heavy bludger crashed into Goyle's face, making him double over in pain. 

I spun around to see that it was Harry who was holding the bat and starting down Goyle. He sped over to the stands, setting down his broom and started to climb up to my spot.

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