A Favour

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Harry, as well as Ron, were released on Monday.

I hadn't seen Draco since the morning of Ron's birthday. Technically I should have gone to see him the day before the Quidditch match because that was our usual Friday schedule, but I couldn't do that because I hadn't figured out a work-around for how to see him without the house-elves finding out.

But he probably wasn't too confused by my absence; I bet he knew I'd been spending a lot of time in the hospital wing with Ron and was too tired to meet him after. The news on Ron's condition spread fast since it's not everyday that a "teacher poisons a student" as some of the rumours claimed.

But he'd probably be expecting me to come this Friday which I couldn't do, at least not until I tell him he's being followed. I hoped that he would take Harry's stalking of him seriously and I hoped that he wouldn't suggest again that Crabbe and Goyle serve as lookouts. I wasn't sure how I'd get him the information if I couldn't meet him at a prearranged time. I'd have to hope that we ran into each other by fluke and that we'd work out this stalking problem fast.

Though I was irritated with Harry for causing this problem, I was happy to finally see that Hermione and Ron were now talking again. Hermione had even volunteered to escort us all down to breakfast today. As we walked, she told us about Ginny's most recent fight with Dean. Harry seemed interested to learn more. I knew most of it already; I always got an earful at night when Ginny couldn't sleep and needed to complain.

We turned the seventh floor corridor and a young girl looked frightened by the arrival of us older students. She dropped all the brass scales she was holding and it clattered loudly to the floor. Hermione ran up to repair them and told her not to worry. The girl looked stunned and terrified the entire time. Ron joked about how the younger students seem to keep getting smaller.

Luna appeared suddenly, startling Ron who let out a shameful sheik, and handed Harry a note from Dumbledore. He thanked her as he unfolded it, and mumbled to me that its notified him of another meeting tonight.

After she left, Lavender appeared and took on the possessive girlfriend role, questioning Ron about his whereabouts and why she, meaning Hermione, was with him. He left with her reluctantly but Hermione had a small grin on her face as Ron walked away sulking.

With Ron sitting with Lavender, it was only Harry, Hermione and I at breakfast. Hermione was cheerful but read her newspaper silently. Harry and I didn't talk all that much. I didn't really have anything to say to him. He, on the other hand, I'm sure had a lot to say, but nothing that I wanted to hear.

He must have sensed that Malfoy wasn't a good topic of discussion because his next words had nothing to do with him. "So I have a meeting with Dumbledore tonight," he said, stating what I already knew.

"So I heard," I said, dryly.

"Right, yea," Harry said, looking unsure of what to say next. I pitied him for a second because, again, he thought that what he was doing with Malfoy was the right thing. He just didn't know how mistaken he was.

Feeling bad for him, I sucked up my annoyance and tried to make conversation. "So any luck with Slughorn's memory?"

"No, no progress," he said, sadly. "But I think we're at least in a better place than we were a couple weeks ago. That day that I brought Ron in for the love potion allowed us to finally talk again, even though it wasn't anything of relevance. It's just good to be back in his presence. Any contact is good contact, at least I think it is."

"I totally agree," I said. "You'll definitely need a relationship with the guy in order for him to open up like that. As much contact as you can get is a good thing."

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