I Need You

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"Haven't you ever wondered why the door's opened for you on that very first day we were in here?"

His question rang in my head. In truth, I had. But I could never come up with an answer. Eventually I chocked it up to the unexplainable complexity of magic. But now I was embarrassed, feeling so clueless. I took a small step back, in lieu of a response, rubbing my arm awkwardly and avoiding his now burning gaze

"The room showed me something I need," he said softly but definitively.

"I don't understand," I admitted, sensing a headache coming on.

He strode forward and grabbed my hands in his, holding them tightly. "On the first day of school, I stood before the wall, desperate and scared, and I asked it to show me something I need. When the door opened, it led me into a disappointingly empty room, nothing there. And then I heard the door open again," he said, pausing. "You walked in."

He was searching my eyes in the way he had all those months ago. He continued, "I didn't understand why at first, and I'm pretty sure I yelled at you, which I'm sorry about. But when I grabbed you as you rushed out, I looked in your eyes...and I can't explain it, but I understood. Of course it would be you, Arabella. You're the one I need."

"But need me for what?" I asked exasperated, frustrated with the secrecy of it all.

He looked a little unsure of his answer. "To help me.. in one way or another..with... a job," he said.

I slipped my hands out of his grasp and he looked hurt.

"What job?" I asked, sternly. He didn't answer and looked away again. "What job!" I yelled now.

"I'm sorry, Arabella" he began in a soft voice, looking grim.

"Damn it Draco, answer me!" I cried, panic totally overtaking me now.

He hesitated and I saw the beginnings of tears well in his eyes, and they made me angry.

He took a step forward but I took one back. He flexed his jaw, looking just as scared of me as I was of him. He lifted a shaky hand and grabbed the sleeve of his white shirt. He slowly pulled it up to reveal the dark mark branded on the back of his forearm, now glowing and convulsing on his pale skin.

I staggered backwards.

I covered my mouth with my hand and shook my head, trying to wake up from this nightmare. Everything Harry had suspected was true. And I was foolish enough not to see it, to think that every odd move he made was nothing of significance; the sleeplessness and ill appearance, the constant trips to the Room of Requirement, the absence at the Quidditch games - everything.

I backed up and made to turn around to leave, but he caught my arm and I tried to shake him loose. But he was determined.

"Let go!" I shouted, but he held me still, pleading to let him explain.

"Please Arabella, just wait! Listen!" he stammered.

"What am I here for?" I yelled. "What can I possibly do to help you with that!" I spat, pointing at his arm, disgusted by the brand.

"Listen," he said, trying to calm me down.

"I'M LISTENING!" I yelled, furious now. He let go and took a step back, scared again.

"Arabella, I told you that I had feelings for you all those months ago because I did. But there was more to it," he said, looking ashamed and teary eyed. "Because the room had opened to you earlier, I knew that in one way or another, you'd be of some help, you'd... get me through this. And so I confessed my feelings, hoping you'd feel the same - or that you'd eventually feel the same- so that you could help me," he faltered now.

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