Hogsmede Date

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Weeks passed and the chilly wind of October had arrived. To both of our dismay, Harry and I barely had time to spend with one another. He was busy with Quidditch and with trainings along side Dumbledore. 

I wasn't supposed to know about the meetings with Dumbledore but Harry trusted me with the information. He told me all about what he saw looking into the pensive so far, and he also told me about how Dumbledore asked him to get on Slughorn's good side. 

So between Quidditch training and kissing up to Slughorn - and my busy schedule since it was my OWL year - we hadn't got any further in our new relationship. Though, today was our Hogsmede trip so we were looking forward to catching up then. 

Ginny and I agreed to walk together to the carriages. We'd meet Harry and Dean, along with Ron and Hermione, once we reached the village. 

 "How are things with Harry?" she asked me once we were a few minutes into the carriage ride.

"They're great," I answered. "Not that we've had much time to ourselves," I admitted,  "but he's been real sweet - more than usual, you know?"

"Okay that's good," she breathed, relieved. 

I was confused at her reaction. "Why do you ask?"

She looked hesitant to speak. "Well, Hermione was telling me that he has this new obsession with Malfoy..." - my heart stopped and my eyes widened a little- "and I was hoping it wasn't getting in the way of your ability to spend time with him."

I was scared to speak for fear I'd reveal more information than I needed to. I was nervous that Harry had somehow learned about what happened in the Room of Requirement with Malfoy. I didn't want the two of them in any sort of altercation, especially after what Malfoy did to him on the train on our first day.

So I said, simply, "why is he interested in Malfoy?"

"Because he thinks he's a Death Eater, remember?" she said bewildered at my slowness. 

I felt foolish. Of course it was that. "Right, right, sorry," I mumbled. "Do you think so?"

"I don't know," she said at last.

When the carriage finally stopped rolling on the bumpy ground, we hopped out, helping each other by holding hands. I smoothed out my cloak once on my feet and I breathed the crisp air. It was brisk outside and there was light snow falling to the ground. I wrapped my scarf around my neck and put on some mittens, rubbing my hands together while looking around.

I peered ahead from under my snow-covered lashes to find the others' carriage just a few paces ahead. I smiled as I walked into Harry's warm and waiting arms. 

"How are you?" he inquired, rubbing my back in slow circles.

"Hungry," I replied with a suggestive smile.

Harry and I said bye to Ron and Hermione but we only managed to get Hermione's attention. Ron seemed a little too preoccupied to wave at us back; He was eyeing Dean with a scowl as he watched him meet up with Ginny, hanging his arm loosely around the red-head's shoulder.

We turned to walk down the snowy cobblestone road to grab some food from Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop.

The door swing open, hitting a little bell to announce our entry, and we made our way across the creaky floor to sit at a private and cosy booth at the back. 

The lighting was dim and floating candles drifted around high above our heads. We settled in, taking off our coats and placing them next to us. Harry was sweet and paid for my drink and for a little cupcake. Though I snuck the right amount of change back into his coat pocket when he wasn't looking. 

We talked for an hour, catching up on everything we'd been meaning to say to each other over the past few long weeks. I talked a lot about classes and homework - that's mainly what my weeks had consisted of. He played with my hair as he let me drone on about Ancient Runes for far longer than I should have.

"Shut up," he said suddenly. I gawked for a moment. He smiled slyly at his little prank and leaned forward, so I could feel his warm breath on my face. Still smirking, he whispered, "just shut up." 

And then he kissed me.

We smiled through it even though we were trying not to. His hands held my face gently and then made their way through my hair. We stayed like that for a few seconds and it was almost saddening to finally pull away.

I fixed my hair, combing it back into place with my fingers. He laughed then kissed my cheek.

"Well would you look at that, your hair gets just as messy as mine," he teased. 

"Yea, yea," I said, rolling my eyes. "If you make fun of me I'll never kiss you again," I threatened playfully, slapping his chest and putting the last few stands back in place. 

He smiled and glanced over at the clock that hung at the far wall. "It's getting a bit late. I promised I'd meet up with Ron and Hermione at the Three Broomsticks," he said, getting up and helping me to my feet.

"I'll walk you there."

"You don't want to join us?" he said, a little disappointed.

"I do, but I have a bit more work to catch up on. And it was you that I really wanted to see."

"Ah I get it, so I'm just on item on your checklist?" he teased.

"Yes," I teased back, punching him playfully in the arm as we left the little tea shop together.


I took the carriage back to the school alone, enjoying being left to my thoughts of my moment with Harry. 

When the carriage pulled up to the school, I got out and stepped on the now completely snow-covered ground. Careful not to slip, I made my way to the tall front steps. It was one hell of a climb, but the scenery was so beautiful that it felt like no work at all. The castle was gorgeous.

A friend in my year, Colin Creevy, had given me some of the pictures he had taken of the school with his Muggle camera. He was such a little sweetheart; He was so excited to be in this new world and share whatever he could with his family who were back in the Muggle world. I was so appreciative when he offered me some of the pictures he had taken so that I could bring them back to show my own dad.

Finally, I reached the top of the stone steps and made my way inside the school. I still had some more stairs to climb, though- and unfortunately, these ones had the habit of moving around. 

Making my way back to Gryffindor tower, I suddenly collided into someone exiting McGonagall's office, almost knocking me backwards down the stairs from which I had come.  Their quick hands had grabbed one of my arms and the other grabbed my waist pulling me into them so I wouldn't fall back.

I recognized the strong and quick grip of the hands right away, my memory flashing back to weeks ago in the Room of Requirement. 

My body slammed into him with the force of his pull and I breathed in a scent of apple and parchment. He kept me there for a second longer than necessary before releasing his grip.

I took a step back, my hand coming back down to my side. I was about to say thanks, but as my hand moved, it brushed his coat pocket and a coin fell out, clanking loudly on the empty and echoing floors. It rolled on its side in a few circles and I was able to get a clear look at it. I recognized it from last year - it was the type of coins we'd used for the DA to communicate with one another. 

He lunged for it and I blurted, "Hey, where did you get that!" He didn't answer and so I spoke again, louder. 

Suddenly his hand reached up for my mouth, covering it so I couldn't speak and pushing me against the wall. The movement startled me and I would have yelped if it weren't for his fingers tightly pressing against my lips.

I heard McGonnagall moving around in her office, shuffling papers. He kept me silent so as to not alert her. I tried to push away his hand away but he was both strong and determined. I was angry at his unwarrented touch and I glared into his eyes, but his were searching mine, reading me. 

He let go finally, placed the coin back into his pocket, and turned swiftly away before I even had time to react.

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