He knows

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I had a hard time controlling my smile the next morning.

I faced the fire place which was no longer burning, but instead emitting a soft, faint smoke. From the corner of my eye I could see Draco slipping his arms back through his white school shirt, his blond hair tousled.

Even this morning, I was still too preoccupied to think about the issues associated with getting back to my room. Ginny must've noticed that my bed was empty which she would've found weird. But then again, maybe she wouldn't have noticed if she was in a rush to leave for Quidditch. She knew I usually slept in and so I technically could pass for the pillows covered by my thick blanket.

Or maybe that was unlikely...

I considered preparing answers for any questions about my whereabouts, just in case.

But my predicament suddenly dawned on me; I hadn't really been thinking straight because of the blur of last night's events. I didn't realize just how relaxed I was being about all of this until just then. This was actually serious.

I tried to think. If I went back to the common room now, I might be able to make it seem like I had left the dorm in the morning to go sit on the couch and didn't notice the team leaving for practise because I'd fallen asleep there. Yea, that could work, I thought. But I'd have to leave right now.

I started to quickly button my shirt with fumbling fingers. My heart started to beat faster and I was becoming increasingly nervous. I was still trying to fix my collar when I stood up, realizing I had the buttons in the wrong holes. I started struggling to slip on my shoes at the same time.

"Draco," I called his name and he turned around smiling slightly, oblivious to my panic. "I need to go, I'm sorry, I don't mean to rush."

His smile faded as he saw me moving quickly. His fingers immediately stopped buttoning his own shirt, which was now only fastened mid-way up, and his hands fell to his sides.

"What's wrong?" he asked, looking nervous, like maybe he'd done something wrong.

"I was being reckless," I said, feeling foolish. "People will notice that I'm missing if I don't go back now and try and play it off."

I started to walk to the door, but he caught my elbow. "Okay hang on, just stay and think of a plan," he said. "You're panicked right now. Take a few minutes to calm down and think clearly. Here, sit," he said, trying to direct me back to the couch.

"No, no it's fine," I said, shrugging off his grasp. "It'll be fine as long as I hurry."

"No, wait, Arabella," he tried to reach for me again, his fingers brushing my arm but just missing as I turned away quickly to leave.

In quick strides I made it to the door, opening the heavy thing with great effort and a rapidly beating heart. He followed me, calling my name, pleading.

I stepped out of the room and made to turn right, and that's when my heart sunk to the floor.

Harry and a few members of the team, who'd been walking across this hall, stopped in their tracks at my sudden appearance. Harry's face barely had time to show any emotion. He looked momentarily confused, or at least he did until Draco emerged from right behind me, still calling my name to come back inside.

Draco's words faltered as he looked at my line of sight. I heard him swear under his breath.

Some of the team members had their hands covering their mouths, fully aware of what they'd just walked into. Others had their jaw slightly gaping, too dumfounded to move.

My right arm reached out to push Draco back in the room, as if I could pretend he wasn't there. But it was too late. Harry glanced between me and Draco who was by my side, and I knew that he knew.

Pawns | A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now