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When the spinning stopped and my vision focused, I saw that we were standing in a grand, dimly lit room.

"Where are we?" I asked Draco. He was right next to me, still holding my hand but I shook it off.

"My family's manner," he said, voice low.

I groaned. I couldn't believe the turn this day had taken - the turn my life had taken, actually.

Just then, a woman with curly raven hair entered the huge room. Her heels which poked through her long black dressed echoed as she stopped in front of us. She had a devious expression permanently etched into the lines of her face and I recognized her immediately from last year at the Department of Mysteries.


A fair haired woman with paler skin than Bellatrix's walked in and stood behind her. Her features resembled Draco's and it took me only a second to realize that this was his mother.

Bellatrix took a step forward. "Is it done?" she asked in a low, serious tone.

"Dead," replied the male Death Eater who'd been at the castle.

At that moment, Snape apparated into the room.

"Severeus." Bellatrix said his name as a greeting. She had an amused look on her face as she stared at the man.

He gave her a small nod in return but he looked dishevelled and grave. He clenched his jaw tightly and kept his eyes straight ahead.

Draco's mother piped up. "Was it you, Severus?" she asked, speaking over her sister's shoulder. "Or Draco?" she asked, sounding worried.

"It was me, Narcissa," Snape answered.

The blonde woman looked relieved, but she didn't show it too much- It was supposed to have been Draco.

Bellatrix wrinkled her nose but she still looked glad that the deed was done. "You'll help Cissy with the arrangements for later," she said to Snape, in a commanding tone. Snape didn't move and Bellatrix barked. "Now!"

Snape walked towards Draco's mother, looking hesitant to leave with the rest of us still here. But the two of them walked out of sight not a moment later.

I didn't even realize I was still crying until Bellatrix looked my way. "What's wrong with her?" she said, though no care was evident on her face.

"She's hurt," lied Draco. He stepped in front of me and faced me, covering my body from Bellatrix's view with his own. To her it looked like he was checking up on me, but instead, he pressed his mouth to my ear. "Please, go with it. I'm sorry," he breathed in a low whisper.

I felt his wand poke my abdomen and suddenly felt a searing sensation spread from it, and I almost cried out but kept my mouth shut, muffling a scream. Draco scrunched his face, looking stressed at the pain he'd just caused me with his nonverbal spell. I saw him slip his wand away before stepping away from me again.

"Lupin hit her as we were leaving," he lied again.

Bellatrix clicked her tongue, as she walked forward to look at me. With a careless hand, she lifted up my cardigan and shirt, pressing two fingers into the bloody wound that had now formed on the spot that Draco's wand had touched.

She then rubbed her fingers together, smearing the blood. "Pity it isn't pure," she mumbled, looking grossed out. "Take her upstairs," she announced loudly, still looking unbothered. "Fix her there."

He nodded to her and proceeded to put my arm over his shoulder. He supported my weight out of the room. I groaned, covering the wound as I limped out of her sight.

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