Thank You

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I jumped at the sound of the dormitory door slamming open and the roar of Ginny Weasley as she slammed it shut again. Practise must have just finished and she was clearly very angry about something. 

"And what's wrong with you?" I asked her, a little frightened.

"I have a pathetic git as a brother, that's what's wrong," grumbled Ginny walking over to her bed and throwing herself on top if it, finishing off the dramatic display by screaming into her pillow.

"Ok, sorry I asked," I said, raising my hands in a surrender and looking back down at the book I was peacefully reading before she entered the room.

I figured that my feigned lack of interest would get her to reveal more information so I wasn't surprised when she sat right back up and cried, "Fine! You forced it out of me!"

I shook my head, smiling at her theatrics, and I closed my book. I oriented my body so that I was facing her with my legs crossed. I gave her a little nod to proceed with her story and she began right away. 

The whole first part was a jumble of words and exasperations - something about how Ron was responsible for the worst practise of the year and every time she looks at him she suffers from crippling second-hand embarrassment that he was birthed into existence.

I attempted to keep a straight face while listening to her rant. I watched her face turn as red as her hair as she fumed about her disgrace of a brother who caught her kissing Dean in a secluded hallway.

"And then he confronts me, and has the audacity to say that he doesn't want me kissing my boyfriend in public!" She shrieked as she enunciated almost every other word in anger.

"Mhm, go on," I said, though she needed no encouragement.

"So naturally I told him that he's inexperienced and everyone's snogged someone at this point." She carried on listing names. "But he didn't take that well, the foul git," she grumbled before adding, "and Harry wasn't all that much help, it's like he wanted me to be lectured!" she cried with one last huff.

Something stirred inside me. I felt an odd sensation in my stomach at the thought of my boyfriend watching my best friend kiss another guy, and him feeling bothered by it...but he did think of her as a sister so of course it would be uncomfortable... I pushed the thought away and told Ginny to chill out because she can go do whatever she wants without needing permission.

"Yea!" she cried indignantly, like she was just registering the concept. "Yea, I can!" she said before hopping of her bed and leaving the room in a quick instant, likely on her way to snog Dean again just in spite of Ron.

I continued reading my book for another half an hour while a couple other girls entered the room preparing for bed. I had skipped dinner after my failed attempt at following Malfoy and my stomach was now punishing me for my mistake. It grumbled loudly but it was too late now to go eat anything, it was already past curfew. I was glad though that Ginny hadn't said anything about my absence after the game and mentally thanked Ron for distracting her.

When Ginny finally returned to the room she looked very proud of herself, flipping her hair before jumping under her covers without a word. Within a few moments she was knocked out, as were the other girls.

Unable to fall asleep, I continued reading, using the dim moonlight that made its way in through the window nearest my bed. Though, after a half hour or so, my eyes started to hurt and I put the book down. Still wide awake though, I didn't pull the covers over me but rather pushed them off entirely and swung myself off of my bed, getting up quietly and leaving the room.

I didn't fully register what I was doing until I was already standing before the wall of the Room of Requirement and heard the familiar sound of the materializing door.

Just like I remembered from last time, in almost the exact same position, stood Draco, slouched over and leaning with his back against the couch. He looked up and his face held an expression that was somewhat surprised - but not quite.

He didn't speak, but he pushed himself off of the back of the couch. He walked around it to sit down, his hand motioning me to join him. 

The similarity to last time was almost uncanny, though in reality, nothing about this time was the same as last; Too much was said in this room a week ago.

Finally breaking the silence, he spoke softly. "You came back."

"Yea, only a week late," I replied lightly. He smiled slightly but didn't speak again, so I did. "I guess I just want to thank you for smacking your goon on the head today."

"Of course," he smiled. "He's got a thick head, he can take a few more good smacks."

I smiled too, a bright, full smile. But it lasted only for a second before fading at the realization of my situation; Why was I back here? Why did it feel normal to be sitting next to him, talking and laughing, as if we were close? I felt a tinge of guilt for sneaking out for the second time, no one knowing where I was or who I was with.

Draco noticed my smile disappear and looked sad himself. He cleared his throat somewhat awkwardly before reaching behind him, placing his hand into the pocket of his folded cloak.

"I brought you something," he said, hands outstretched in front of him. In them was a chocolate frog box.

I laughed a little before taking the box from him.

"Thanks, I was hungry," I said, opening it.

"I hope I picked the right snack. I see you holding them in the morning so I figured you liked them."

I continued fidgeting with the box, not meeting his eyes.

"Yea, I do like these," I said somewhat quietly.  "I normally send them to my dad in the mornings, he really likes them too."

"Your... Muggle father?" he asked, slowly.

I nodded, feeling a little awkward at the talk of my family. My hands had stopped playing with the box, the top portion of it unsealed. In a quick second, the little creature inside pushed its head through the flaps and hopped right onto Draco's lap. Then, bouncing ridiculously high, it landed on Draco's head and then down onto the floor where it made a quick getaway.

Draco rubbed his head looking startled and smoothed his ruffled hair into place while I laughed at his humiliated expression.

"Stupid frog," he grumbled, turning over his shoulder to see where the little thing had went.

I was smiling though. The frog's get-away reminded me of the story of my parent's first meet.

He turned back to look at me and I shook the memory out of my head, focusing on the present.

"I don't have any other food," he said, looking disappointed.

"I'll manage 'til morning. It's my fault for skipping out on dinner." After saying that, I bit my tongue, hoping that he didn't ask why I hadn't eaten because I'd have to quickly find an excuse to hide the truth. Fortunately, he didn't.

I took a deep breath in and sat up straight, deciding it was time to leave. "Anyway, I should go, thanks again for the escaped chocolate, and for what you did on the pitch," I said sincerely.

"Anytime," he said with a grin, placing his hand on mine. His hand was warm and his touch sent a spark through my fingers and down my spine.

He pulled his hand back after a second and I stood up, giving him a polite nod and walking hurriedly to the door.

"I'll be here again tomorrow," he called once I had reached it, my hand outstretched to open it.

I looked over my shoulder to face him.

"I'll be too," I said, before pushing open the door to return back to my room before anyone noticed I was gone.

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