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It had to have been months later because the snow had come and gone. Draco and I were on a walk, still living in the woods.

I could tell he had something on his mind. His jaw would unclench but his lips would stay sealed, like half of him wanted to say something, but the other half was hesitant.

I didn't ask anything, and so we just walked, breathing in the damp air. It was easy to feel a little cramped stuck in the tent, only going so far as a few meters away from it. Every once in a while we let ourselves relax and walked about about a kilometre through the trees and back.

"I've been thinking," he started, his fingers flexing in my hand as we walked. "What if we go back and get your wand."

"What?" I said, surprised. "Go back to your place?" I asked, stopping in my tracks .

"Yeah," he said. "I could sneak in and take it back. I could probably leave without anyone noticing."

"That seems really risky," I admitted, a weary look on my face as I started walking again. "I don't know if it's worth it."

"You can't be without your wand forever," he argued. "I can do it myself, you won't even need to come in."

"Well, I don't think I'd be very welcome if I did come in," I reminded him. I sighed and looked away, shaking my head. I wasn't sure about this idea. It seemed unnecessary.

"How about next week? We'll take some time to think about how to best do it so that there's no mistakes," he said, squeezing my hand.

I looked back at him and let out a small sigh. He looked so eager.

"You're cute when you're trying to infiltrate your own place," I said, with a small smile. He let out a smile too.

I turned serious, still unsure. "If we do this, it has to be done carefully. If for some reason things start to go south, just leave it. I don't need the wand that bad," I said earnestly.

"Deal," he replied, looking satisfied.


A week later, we stood hand in hand, ready to disparate. We had an entire plan ready.

If people were home and he was seen, Draco had a whole story prepared. As the Easter Holiday's had just begun, he'd claim he'd been at school since September and now was back for the break. They'd likely think this a lie because of their suspicions that he'd been on the run with me, but we had a story for that too. He'd admit to setting me free and say that he did want to come with me, but that I didn't forgive him and so we separated. He'd say that he didn't come back home because he was angry.

It wasn't fool proof; there was a chance they knew for sure he wasn't at Hogwarts, but it seemed good enough - especially considering his family would probably just be glad that he was back and wouldn't question him too harshly. Once he had the wand, he'd be out of that house as quickly as he'd come in, and so it wouldn't really matter how much they believe him.

"Ready?" he said.

"Yeah" I said, groaning at the memory of the weird sensation that comes along with dissaparation.

I took a deep breath in and felt the air around me compress. Then it whooshed passed my ears at a fast speed, deafening me the whole time. The hook sensation in my navel was uncomfortable and made me slightly nauseated as we spun uncooridanated. Finally my feet landed roughly on stone. I opened my eyes and tried not to wobble.

Draco had a serious expression on his face as he looked at the front gates.

"Okay. I'm going to open them," he said. "Remember, follow the perimeter of the property and just wait out back. There's fewer windows and they won't see you if you stay behind the hedges that are there."

Pawns | A Draco Malfoy Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now