1: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒏𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒓

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The night sky was the prettiest Soojin had seen in a while. The moon shone the brightest, as if a jewel on the darkest velvet and the stars looked as if they were diamonds embedded in the very cloth.

On such nights, lovers were found huddled together in the city of Busan. Too bad she was single.

Maybe it was only because she hadn't been out in a while?

"Soojin? Are you high or something?" A high pitched voice was heard, making Soojin jolt.

She glared at her best friend, who only grinned in response.

"What?" She spat.

"Weren't you listening? I was telling you about this hot as hell new guy at our school-"

"I don't care Jieun, it's not like he's gonna date either of us anyway" She sighed.

Jieun nodded, getting the sign that her best gal just wasn't in the mood today. Oh well.

The pair walked in silence until they reached the bus stop.

"You wanna hang out tomorrow?" Jieun smiled a little, knowing what her answer would be.

"Seriously Ji? You already know the answer. Do you think I have any other friends besides you?" Soojin rolled her eyes.

Jieun had already climbed inside the bus, giggling.

"Well, your introverted ass could never" she sang.

"SONG JIEUN YOU'LL GET AN ASS WHIPPING TOMORROW!" Soojin shouted as the bus drove away.

She sighed. She was glad to have Jieun in her life. Jieun was her sister, her sunshine and the most important person to her.

"Well, I better head home before it gets too late" She said to herself, before walking down the street.


"What the fuck took you so long, Jimin!?" Jeongguk turned around with rage in his eyes, glaring at his second in command.

"Cut me some slack, there were fifteen men I had to fight" Jimin whined.

Jimin's eyes scanned the alleyway, inspecting the bloodied bodies of the men Jeongguk had beaten up.

And he gulped.

"Clear this mess up, I wanna go home" Jeongguk sighed. The lack of sleep was getting to him.

Jimin nodded, immediately calling men to clean up.

Jeongguk rolled up his sleeves, wiping off some blood on his cheek with a single thumb.

Peculiar things had been happening lately, and the pack elders were worried because he still hadn't found his Luna.

Jeongguk walked out of the alley, hands in his pockets when a scent hit his nostrils.

It was sweet; sugar like but with a hint of spice. And it made him swoon.

"Damn, what's cooking?" He thought to himself.

The sound of heels was heard and he turned his head sideways, eyes widening as he saw a woman walking towards him.

Her curly hair reached her back, raven locks bouncing with each stride.

A small nose, pink lips and brown eyes.

Jeongguk had never seen anyone as beautiful as her.

His mouth hung open as he watched her walk, his inner wolf howling.

As he saw her getting closer, he straightened himself up, ruffling his hair and wetting his lips. His eyes turned golden as his wolf was trying to take control but he calmed himself down. He did not want to scare her.

She stopped right in front of him and he grinned. He was about to speak but she beat him to it.

"Can you move, please? You're in the way" She huffed. Even her voice sounded sweet.

Okay. Damn.

Jeongguk stepped aside allowing her to pass. Having her this close was not good for him.

He watched as she walked away, not looking back at him even once.

"I've found you, my queen" He smiled.


Hey everyone! This is my first ever story, I hope you guys liked it? I'll be updating as often as I can.
I'm sorry if there are any grammatical errors hehe.
What do you think will happen next?
If you liked it, please leave a comment and be sure to vote!


𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 - 𝑱𝑱𝑲 Where stories live. Discover now