26: 𝑨𝒏𝒈𝒓𝒚

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Soojin and Jeongguk had fell asleep right away after their intimate session.

Someone was twirling a strand of her hair, as their hand ran up and down her hip.

She opened an eye, immediately being greeted by Jeongguk's face. He was smiling down at her, his hair messed up but he looked so adorable; very different from last night.

"Morning" She mumbled, smiling at him and he pushed her towards him, kissing her forehead.

"Morning" He mumbled against her temple, and she could never get enough of his morning voice. It was a few octaves lower than his regular one and it reminded her of last night's events.

How are you feeling baby?

Soojin looked around in confusion.

What the fuck is that?

Jeongguk smirked, chuckling at her confused state. He was leaning against an arm, sheets pooled around his lower abdomen and chest on display; he looked as if he was a model. Her eyes raked down his form as she bit her lip, shaking her head.

He's too hot ugh

Why, thank you, darling

Her head snapped towards him, eyes wide.

"How the hell can you hear my thoughts?! And talk to me!?" She raised a brow.

"Mind link, baby" He chuckled, caressing her cheek "I can hear all of your thoughts and talk to you that way as well; you can too, go on, try" He encouraged her with his bunny smile.

Soojin focused on him, trying to read his thoughts, looking into his eyes.

Damn, look at her. Next time I'll take her in the shower-

She shook her head, glaring at his smirking face.

"I'd rather not read your mind" She rolled her eyes.

"Awe baby" He pouted "Don't be like that. All my thoughts are about you, anyway" He winked.

She laughed; this man was an idiot.

"Jeongguk" She turned serious all of a sudden "I have a question" She fiddled with her fingers, nervous.

"Ask away, my love" He pushed her hair behind her ear.

"Are you like Yoongi?" She looked into his eyes, gaze darting between his doe orbs.

"Him?" He scoffed "I'm nothing like that midget-"

"No" She interrupted "I meant, are you a mafia too?"

Jeongguk tensed up; of course she would have noticed. He could feel her gaze every time he went out at night, saying he had some business to attend to. Or how she wondered why he had a training area and armed men; or where the rest of his pack was.

He knew it all. And he was surprised, that she hadn't asked him sooner.

"Yes" His gaze softened "Does it bother you sweetheart?"

"No" She whispered, but her gaze was different "It's just that, you could've told me. I've grown up with Yoongi so I kinda know how it's like"

He remembered the day they found her; the fear in her eyes. He'd never expose her to his world again.

"You have no idea, babe" He lifted her chin "It's worse than hell but it's what I do. I can't lose you because of it, so stay away from this" His eyes were stern as was his voice, and she nodded. He had never talked to her that way.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 - 𝑱𝑱𝑲 Where stories live. Discover now