11: 𝑺𝒘𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒚

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All kinds of food was spread about the dining table including Soojin's favourite; Samgyeopsal.

Her mouth watered at the sight and she couldn't believe that Seokjin had made all of this. She sat at the table with the three men, only Jeongguk was missing.

"Please eat well, Soojin" Seokjin smiled warmly "I made all of this especially for you"

She couldn't believe how kind this man was; this place felt like home.

She smiled back at him, nodding.

"So" Jimin grinned "Tell us about yourself"

"I'm in university right now; it's my first year. I have a brother who pays for all of my expenses, and my parents have left this world" She smiled.

"Oh we're so sorry to hear that" Namjoon shot her a sympathetic smile.

"It's okay, it's been years since that"

"How do you like the food?" Seokjin smiled, trying to cheer her up.

"Oh, the food is amazing" She grinned, eyes sparkling.

"But, does it taste better than me?" Jeongguk walked towards the table with wet hair; wearing a black t-shirt and ripped black jeans. Soojin choked on her food as the rest of the men laughed.

Jin quickly patted her back, offering her a glass of water.

Jeongguk smirked, sitting right next to her.

"It's okay if you don't like the food, baby" He smirked "You can always have me later"

Soojin felt like burying herself 6 feet deep because she wasn't even sure if she was alive anymore.

Jin smacked Jeongguk's head, glaring at him.

"I wish I could send you to horny jail" He sighed and the table erupted in laughter.


After lunch, the men went their separate ways, each to look after his own work.

All, except Jeongguk.

He had told her to change into a t-shirt and some sweatpants that he had left upstairs. She changed quickly, coming downstairs. Her eyes fell on Jeongguk, who was wearing a tank top and his black ripped jeans from before.

His biceps had ink all over, and his torso too but it was covered by that stupid top.

He sensed her presence and winked at her.

"It's time for you to train, baby" He grinned "Although, I'd have preferred if we had done all this training in the bedroom-"

"Shut up, Jeon" She mumbled.

Little did she know that he could hear her heart race, and her breathing becoming heavier.

"Kidding, babe. C'mon let's get going" He wiggled his brows, leading her to the basement.

The stairs leading to the basement weren't as pretty as the other staircases and they looked endless.

Upon reaching the training area, Soojin gagged at the stench of sweat and possibly, blood.

"What do you have down here? A torture chamber?" She sassed.

"Oh yeah we do, but it's located a little further into the basement" He said, as a matter of factly.

Soojin, who didn't expect such an answer choked on air.

"Calm down babe, I'd rather have you choke on something else" He had that smirk on his face and she knew that this wasn't gonna be as easy as she thought.

All of a sudden, Jeongguk straightened up, his gaze no longer flirtatious but determined and calm.

"The basics of werewolf training are agility, speed, strength, and engaging and using your senses to the utmost" He dictated, hands clasped behind his back.

Soojin nodded, carefully listening to his every word.

"You think you're fast?" He raised his brow.

"I mean yeah, i guess-"

She didn't get to complete that sentence, as Jeongguk sped towards her, swiping at her legs and making her fall.

"Ouch, what was that for, you ass?" She cried, massaging her bottom.

Jeongguk looked down at her, frowning.

"You'll get no where with that attitude. On your feet, now" He said sternly, eyes cold.

Soojin was no longer in the mood to joke around; she knew this was important.

She nodded, standing up.

"Since you aren't fast at all" He rolled his eyes "You'll begin by running three laps around this basement" he crossed his arms.

She looked at the vast basement, gulping.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" He poked the inside of his cheek and she felt hot all of a sudden "Get running, sweetheart"

Without glancing back, she started pacing around the basement.

Jeongguk watched in amusement, shaking his head "That's what you call running? I didn't ask for a frail, helpless maiden gait" He scoffed.

Soojin stopped, embarrassed.

"What do you want me to do, then?" She cried.

"Yknow what? I'll run after you" He smirked and the mischievous glint in his eyes was back "And if I catch you, you'll have to do anything I want you to"

"And what if you're unable to catch me? What do I get?" She huffed. She wasn't going to play easy.

"Whatever you want, darling" He chortled "But let me tell you, no one escapes the big bad wolf" He grinned, showing his canines and running his tongue over them.

Soojin felt blood rush to her cheeks as he gazed at her like she was his prey.

Soojin closed her eyes, taking a deep breath before she started running. She was forcing her legs to go as fast as they could, muscles stretching with each leap she took.

She didn't look back; how could she when she knew he was just behind her?

The basement seemed endless but she didn't care. Every now and then, she felt him breathing down her neck, or his fingers barely skimming past her skin.

It was as if he was teasing her on purpose because they both knew he'd easily win.

She didn't know how long she had been running for but she stopped when there was a wall in front of her, all out of breath.

She wiped sweat off her forehead, gasping for air. She closed her eyes for a while but opened them immediately when she felt a presence behind her.

Two strong arms snaked around her waist, and her back hit a firm chest.

She felt his breath on her ear, her eyes widening.

"Caught you, my little prey" He whispered.



Heyy everyone~

As you can see, I've decided to spice things up a bit

Next chapters will include Yoongi and Taehyung so look forward to them 💞

Please vote and comment as it keeps me motivated 💗

~ mish

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