28: 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇

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Jeongguk led her towards the table, pulling out a chair for her before she sat.

She giggled at his cute gesture, rolling her eyes when he winked in return.

"So, are we alone here?" She looked around, still admiring the place.

"No. I thought it'd be better if some men guarded the perimeter. And since I can't cook shit, there's a few people who'll do that for us" He grinned, adjusting his sleeves.

Soojin's eyes immediately darted towards his forearms and she could write a book on them. The way his veins popped up at the slightest movement or how his muscles flexed-

"Hey" He whispered, clicking his tongue as he smiled "What's wrong? Do I look too hot?" He smirked.

"Not at all. You look okay" She lied, shrugging.

Jeongguk laughed; he knew this wasn't true.

"You found me hot the first time we had coffee, darling" He reminded her "You couldn't keep your eyes off of me"

Soojin turned red again, looking away with a little grin on her face.

"Well, I can say the same for you. You wanted to get in my pants the moment we met, Jeon" She laughed as his ears turned red.

Several men made their way out of the cottage, carrying heavy trays.

They set up the dining table and Soojin gasped in amazement.

"You like it?" He bit his lip.

"This is amazing, Jeongguk" She grinned.

Soojin couldn't get enough of the Bulgogi and Jjigae; and the Jajangmyeon was to die for.

Jeongguk chuckled, watching her eat before proceeding to do so himself.

"Is the food okay?" He smiled warmly as her eyes lit up in delight.

"Okay?" She huffed "I could eat this for days" She exclaimed, causing him to laugh once again.

"Save room for dessert too, sweetheart. I don't want that going to waste" He grinned.

Soon, they were done with dinner when the men walked in again, serving dessert. It was Bingsu; Soojin's favourite.

"Seriously Jeongguk" She looked down at her stomach "I shouldn't be eating this much"

"Hey, I had all of this prepared for you. You'll break Googie's heart if you don't eat" He pouted "You're perfect just the way you are, so don't worry okay?"

Soojin looked at him in awe. How was this man her's? How did she get him?

She nodded, before digging into her dessert.


After the men had cleaned up and left, Jeongguk took Soojin to the back of the cottage.

The cottage had a small yard at the back, secured with a picket white fence and was surrounded by the woods.

They were sitting on the blanket that Jeongguk had just laid on the grass, staring up at the stars.

A comfortable silence surrounded them, and wind carrying the scent of wet grass went by them.

"Soojin" He whispered "I wanna show you something"

Soojin leaned against her elbows, propping herself up.

"What?" She raised a brow.

"Promise me, that you won't be scared" He asked, concern swirling in his eyes.

"I won't; what's wrong?" She frowned.

Jeongguk unbuttoned his dress shirt throwing it on the ground as Soojin looked away.

He proceeded to do the same with his trousers and laughed at her flustered state.

In a moment, cracking of bones was heard and a low growl echoed through her ears.

Soojin froze and when she looked back at Jeongguk; he wasn't there anymore.

However, in his place stood an enormous wolf, white coat shining in the moonlight, making him appear ethereal.

She gasped, frozen in her spot.

The wolf raised it's snout, eyes gazing down at her.

Those eyes; she recognised them. It was Jeongguk.

The wolf took careful steps towards her as she gulped, not moving.

The only sounds that could be heard were of his paws against the grass, her breathing and the gentle breeze.

The wolf stopped inches away from her, lowering it's head.

She hesitantly raised her hand, putting it on his head and he let out a whine.

She chuckled and the wolf looked up, tilting it's head.

It was so cute.

She ruffled it's fur, scratching it behind it's ears as it purred.

She giggled, rubbing it's neck.

"You're so adorable" She smiled.

The wolf yipped, snuggling into her as he laid it's head on her lap.

The wolf was huge so the head barely fit in her lap.

"You're like a big puppy, aren't you?" She laughed as it bent it's ears.

The wolf stood up and walked away, causing her to furrow her brows.

It looked back at her, tilting it's head; as if gesturing her to look away.

Soojin understood and closed her eyes.

The cracking of bones was heard once again and she could hear Jeongguk sigh.

She heard the tugging of fabrics and looked at him, who was fully dressed.

"Well?" He smiled.

"It was so cute" She giggled.

"It's a beast, Soojin. It's only nice to you because your wolf is his mate" He rolled his eyes.

"You're only jealous because I called it cute" She smirked.

"Well, maybe" He crossed his arms.

"You're a baby, Jeon" She laughed.


Heyyyy lovelies 💗

Just a little chapter about their date hehe

Hope that wasn't too boring




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~ mish

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 - 𝑱𝑱𝑲 Where stories live. Discover now