3: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑷𝒖𝒛𝒛𝒍𝒆

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A white gold tiara encrusted with the most brilliant of diamonds rested inside the box, in fact, there were so many of them that Jeongguk was sure that he would never be able to count them all.

The riddle to finding his significant other was written on an old, yellowed paper.

"What the night is now, it will not be. 14 moons and you will find me" he whispered.

Every Alpha in his family was given a riddle at birth; this riddle told them when they were to find their mates. But he had already met her.

What was this supposed to mean?

He looked at the tiara. It belonged to his Luna.

"Jimin" he called out and the Beta appeared at once.

"Yes, Alpha?" He asked.

"Call in the Kims" he sat at the edge of his desk "We have business to discuss"


Soojin squinted her eyes at the nearest clock, trying to decipher what time it was. She had no school for two weeks which meant she could sleep for as long as she wanted to.

It was 10 am, and she had decided that she had rested enough.

Taehyung was lying next to her. Both of them fell asleep while watching the movie the previous night; it was not her fault that he decided to watch Gone With The Wind.

She stretched, unwrapping herself from the blankets and getting up. Taehyung groaned, letting out a fart as he got up.

Soojin almost puked.

How girls could like a man like him, she didn't understand. Maybe the reason Mina broke up with him was because he farted in her face?

"What time is it, bun?" He yawned, his voice deep.

Okay, maybe that's why girls liked him.

"It's ten am. What do you want for breakfast?" She scratched her head.

"Let's go out, I'll buy you breakfast" he smiled, his eyes closed as they were still adjusting to the light.

"Fine, I'm gonna go and try to look decent" she chuckled.


Jeongguk sat across the Kims, sipping coffee. He chose a local café to meet them as to not be suspicious.

"Namjoon hyung, Jin hyung" he started "I'm glad you came" he grinned.

Smiles appeared on his hyungs' faces.

The Kims were brothers and were the leaders of the Kim clan; a werewolf family that was strictly restricted to blood relations.

However, they had strong ties with the Black Dawn; which was Jeongguk's pack.

"We are happy to help, Gguk" Namjoon smiled, dimples prominent on his cheeks.

"And how could we not come after finding out our little Gguk has finally found his mate?" Jin winked, sipping his espresso.

Jeongguk turned red, clearing his throat as his hyungs chortled.

"Oh god, is this the mafia I know?" Jin laughed, wiping a tear from his eye.

"Hyung, let him be. Let's talk about business" Namjoon suppressed his laughter but a grin was evident.

"So," Jin smiled "What did your Destiny say?"

A Destiny was the riddle every Aplha born in the Jeon clan was given at birth. It helped them find their mates, or so their elders said.

Jeongguk had no one else to talk to and Jimin was too dense so his only option were the Kims.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 - 𝑱𝑱𝑲 Where stories live. Discover now