7: 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑽𝒊𝒔𝒊𝒕

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Soojin giggled at the text; he was adorable.

Should she let him come over, or not? Yeah, they had met only two times but she trusted him.

It was a feeling she couldn't describe; the warmth and love she felt whenever she was with him.

Me: Yeah, sure. I'll send you the location (ㆁωㆁ)

JK: Okay I'm omw (~ ̄³ ̄)~

She sent him the location, hoping this would go well.

She was feeling all giddy for no reason. Should she change? Nah, she was too lazy for that.

She decided to heat up some leftovers, just in case he decided to eat.

15 minutes later, her doorbell rang, indicating someone's arrival.


Jeongguk smiled at the text; she was too cute.

He wore a white t-shirt, paired with a leather jacket, ripped black jeans and black boots.

He ran a hand through his black tufts, biting his lip. His wolf was howling in excitement, his eyes changing colours.

Should he tell her? Would that freak her out? No, he'd lose her that way. And that would kill him.

Now that he knew where she lived, he'll send his men to guard her place. Or better yet, do that himself whenever he had time.

Jeongguk drove as fast as he could, but he remembered something suddenly.

"I should get her something" he mumbled to himself.

The last time they talked, she mentioned that she liked tulips. And all kinds of cakes.

He stopped at the nearest commercial centre, grabbing all tulips he could find and multiple cakes; since he didn't know which one she'd like.

He thought about how she'd react; the thought of her smiling making his heart race.


Soojin fixed her hair, before running towards the door.

She held the doorknob, containing her excitement by exhaling.

But what she saw before her was something she was not prepared for.

"Cupcake" Yoongi beamed, hugging his baby sister.

Overwhelmed, Soojin hugged him back.

"Yoongi" She smiled "You were supposed to visit later this week?" She laughed nervously.

"I know; I wanted to surprise you" He smiled.

As adorable as this was, Soojin was still worried.

"You don't look too happy to see me, cupcake" He frowned.

"No, it's not that. I'm just surprised, that's all" She smiled.

"Oh" He patted her head, nodding.

The siblings had taken seats in the living room, and Soojin's eyes constantly darted towards the clock.

"How are things in Daegu?" She asked, scratching her head.

"Two of my men went missing recently, but meh, that happens now and then" He chuckled.

Yes, Min Yoongi was a mafia; one of the biggest in the country. Soojin was constantly worried about his well being and wondered when he'd give up on this business. Probably never.

"What about you?" He eyed her suspiciously.

"Me? What about me?" Soojin gulped.

"Were you expecting someone? I've told you a thousand times not to open your door at odd hours. Maybe I should leave some men here for your protection-"

"No, no need for that,Yoongi" She smiled, trying to persuade him.

Yoongi sat up straighter, glaring at the entrance.

Just then, the doorbell rang and Soojin's eyes widened.

Time for hell.

She ran towards the door, opening it to find her handsome lover boy.

He looked amazing.

His hands were cradling bouquets and multiple bags. She set them aside, not wanting to ruin his gifts.

She closed the door behind her.

Jeongguk was about to speak when she put a finger to his lips, her eyes showing nervousness.

Jeongguk could tell something was wrong.

Jeongguk sniffed the air, there was definitely someone inside. And it was a male.

He pushed past Soojin and into the apartment and came to a halt in front of  another man.

"You" he seethed.

"You" Yoongi laughed.

"You both know eachother!?"

Just as she completed her sentence, Soojin fainted.


Jeongguk was angry. No, that was an understatement. He was enraged; furious and he wanted to rip the man in front of him apart, bit by bit, until nothing was left.

He was about to cradle Soojin, when the man growled.

"The fuck you think you're doing, punk?" Yoongi spat "Get away from my sister"

Sister!? Surprise was plastered all over his face and it took him a moment to process it.

"Well, she's my mate, you ass" He smirked.

Yoongi went silent, his breathing becoming shallower.



Soojin woke up in her bedroom, Jeongguk's worried face being the first thing she saw.

"Hey" She smiled, her voice hoarse.

She was glad Yoongi hadn't beaten him up or something.

Jeongguk was about to speak when he was swiftly interrupted.

"Get away from my cupcake, you punk" Yoongi glared at Jeongguk, nearing his sister.

"Yoongi" She smiled to which her brother grinned back at her.

She cleared her throat, wanting to address the elephant in the room.

The two men sat in front of her, glaring at eachother constantly.

If looks could kill, they'd be six feet under.

"How do you two know each other?"

Soojin wasn't a child; it was apparent that the two men hated each other.

"We're rivals" both spoke in unison.




Okay, so now you all know who Yoongi is.


It's time for the drama to begin ♡˖꒰ᵕ༚ᵕ⑅꒱

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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 - 𝑱𝑱𝑲 Where stories live. Discover now