27: 𝑫𝒂𝒕𝒆

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Soojin skipped towards the bedroom in delight, squealing internally.

This was going to be her first date. She had never been on one before. Why, you ask? Min Yoongi.

For some reason, he would never let her go out with any guy and scare away any potential partners.

As soon as she entered the room, her phone vibrated. She walked towards it, picking it up from the bed.

Jieun: 4 missed calls

Jieun? Wasn't she visiting her parents?

She missed her so much and it had been so long since they had had a proper conversation.

She decided to call her, clicking on her contact. A picture of her and Jieun popped up; she had chosen that as her contact photo.

It made her smile.

Beeps were heard on the other end, indicating she still hadn't picked up.

Soojin was about to end the call when a voice was heard.


"Heyy Jieun" Soojin smiled "Where the heck have you been, bijj? And how the hell are you? I miss you so much" She let out in a single breath.

Jieun laughed, but for some reason, it sounded forced "I'm good, came back from my parents' home"

"Oh that's good to hear. How are they? Did you have fun? Met anyone new?"

"Oh, I had fun" She said, but it sounded as if she was trying to say something else "And I did meet someone new"

"Oh" Soojin wiggled her brows, teasing "Who is it?"

"Um, I gotta go, Soojin. Something came up. Can we meet this Friday? I'll text you the details. Bye" She sounded as if she was in a hurry and Soojin understood.

"Yeah alright, bye" And with that, she ended the call.

Jieun had seemed strange. Maybe it was just because they hadn't met in a while?

Soojin shrugged, throwing her phone on her bed and walking towards the wardrobe.

She had quite a few dresses here but she wanted to wear something special for him.

Her eyes scanned the wardrobe, until they landed on one thing in particular.

A black dress. She tugged it off, and walked into the bathroom.

She's gonna make sure he'd suffer today.


"So, what're you wearing tonight?" Jimin raised a brow, walking inside the office.

Jeongguk looked up from his paperwork, startled.

"I have no idea, hyung" He pinched the bridge of his nose "I mean, she has seen me in nothing at all-"

"Shush, no more" Jimin raised a hand "I've already laid out clothes for you in the guest bedroom since Soojin was in your room. Wear them and you'll have her wrapped around your finger" He winked, leaving.

"He's seriously concerned about my life more than I am" Jeongguk sighed.

"Hey! I heard that" Jimin shouted from the hallway.

Jeongguk chuckled, putting papers away and making his way upstairs.

He didn't want to bother Soojin, so he went straight into the guest bedroom.

Jimin had great fashion sense and he didn't doubt that one bit as the man looked handsome every day. His attire was jaw dropping.

Jimin had laid out a plain, white dress shirt with black slacks and some dress boots.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 - 𝑱𝑱𝑲 Where stories live. Discover now