9: 𝑻𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈

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Soojin woke up the next morning, and made her way to the living room.

Sleep left her body after the sight she saw; Jeongguk and Yoongi sleeping on the couch together, legs tangled and mouths agape.

She had to stifle her laughter, as she quickly fetched her phone, taking a picture.

Some werewolves, she thought.


She tiptoed over to the men, giggling. She went over to Jeongguk's side, blowing in his ear.

Jeongguk had stayed the night; he didn't want to leave his mate alone.

He opened one eye, a grin present on his face.

"Morning, babe" He chuckled, his voice hoarse and deep.

And Soojin swore that her soul had left her body.

"Um, morning" She leaned back, stumbling.

The power this man had over her was unimaginable.

"I'll go make breakfast, wake Yoongi up for me please?" She pleaded.

Jeongguk nodded instantly, watching her back as she went to the kitchen.

"Stop checking my sister out, you ass" Yoongi grumbled, eyes still closed.

"She wants you up and about, Min" he rolled his eyes.

"Fine" Yoongi groaned "I'll be up in a minute"

"And if you're not, I'll shove a gun up your ass" Jeongguk threatened, rubbing his eyes.

"Fuck off, Jeon" He mumbled, sitting up.


Soojin was mixing the batter for the pancakes, eyebrows furrowed in concentration.

Her curls kept coming forwards with the movement, irritating her.

She felt a hand scoop them up, securing them with a scrunchie. She turned around, smiling at her saviour.

"There" Jeongguk smiled, admiring his work.

"Thanks" She mumbled shyly, not looking at him.

Jeongguk stepped closer, trapping her between himself and the kitchen counter.

Soojin held the bowl in her hands tighter, and with the amount of force she was holding it, she was surprised it didn't shatter.

Jeongguk raised his hand, cupping her cheek.

Her heart was racing. And it didn't help at all the way he was towering over her, his raven hair messed up and his earrings making him look like a total god.

She closed her eyes as he leaned in, but she felt his fingers on the side of her cheek.

"There was some batter on your cheek" he breathed out as she opened her eyes "Were you expecting something else, love?" He smirked, whispering in her ear.

Soojin was speechless; wasn't he going to kiss her? She glared at him for messing with her.

She turned around, not caring about having him this close. If he can tease her, so can she.

All of her determination to resist him melted when she felt his strong body against her back. He breathed down her neck, nose against her nape.

"Don't be mad at me, sweetheart" he whispered, chuckling and her knees almost buckled, his nose tracing her neck as he inhaled her scent.

"Can you let her make breakfast in peace, Jeon?"

Yoongi stood at the doorway, arms crossed against his chest.

"What if I don't, Min?" But he was punched on the shoulder by Soojin.

"You don't wanna test me, pupper" He snarled.

"Whatever, cock blocker" Jeongguk laughed "What are you gonna do about it?"

"Oh you're about to fucking find out you mutt" Yoongi pulled up his sleeves, making his way over to Jeongguk.

"Both of you" Soojin frowned "Outta my kitchen, right now. Unless you wanna get your asses whipped by me, you ungrateful pieces of scum" She yelled, chest heaving.

They had never seen her like this before.

Their eyes widened, and they quickly left, not wanting to face her wrath. 

Soojin served breakfast after a while, and both the men apologized, swearing that they won't fight again.

"It's okay" She smiled "I just don't like seeing you two fight; it makes me sad"

She knew they'd listen to her; it was apparent both the men were wrapped around her finger.

"Cupcake" Yoongi said, chewing his food "You need training; in order to handle your wolf and be the future Luna; and carry your mate's pups"

Soojin turned red, but a part of her was filled with warmth at the thought of having children.

"I've always wanted kids" She mumbled, forgetting that the men in front of her had super hearing abilities.

Yoongi choked on his pancake while Jeongguk smirked.

"Oh, don't worry sweetheart" His voice had a certain roughness to it, and it deepened "You'll have a lot of pups" He ran a thumb over his bottom lip.

Soojin who didn't understand the meaning behind it, just nodded.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, wanting to puke.

"Anyway, since I'm here for something important, I won't be able to train you. So, you'll be training with Jeongguk" He sighed.

As much as he hated to admit it, Jeongguk was still her mate and no one could protect her better than him.


Yoongi had left and Jeongguk and Soojin were on their way to his pack house.

It was the safest place and he had his own underground training centre.

"What is this training all about?" Soojin questioned, looking outside the car.

"It will revolve around your physical and mental strength; how much you can bear" Jeongguk explained "You'll see"

Having her in the car with him, all alone was difficult. Her scent kept hitting him and drove him insane.

If it was his wolf, he'd stop the darn car and take her in the backseat-

"Jeongguk, you okay?" She placed a hand on his arm "Your breathing is irregular"

He groaned when she touched him, and her brows were raised in worry.

"Yeah I'm okay, love" He cleared his throat.

"Are you sure?" She pressed on, and it made him laugh at how adorable she looked when she worried about him.

He nodded, making her place her arm back in her lap.

Just then, the road to the pack house came into view and Jeongguk sighed in relief.

"Welcome to the pack house, sweetheart"



Heyyyy y'all 💕

Hope you guys are doing well ✨

What do you think the training is all about? 

What's Yoongi's ImPoRtaNt BusInEsSeU?

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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 - 𝑱𝑱𝑲 Where stories live. Discover now