17: 𝑴𝒂𝒕𝒆

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Five days had passed since Jeongguk had announced about the party.

Soojin had been doing well in her lessons and training and she could proudly say that she could take on someone larger than her.

Jeongguk had barely talked to her since then and she didn't even look his way.

She knew she wasn't his, right? She had told herself in the beginning.

But, the way she felt whenever he was around; she couldn't explain it. She felt warm, safe and maybe, loved.

She missed his grins, his inappropriate comments and everything about him.

He didn't sleep beside her and he was rarely ever home.

She understood; this was just a fling and he was trying to distance himself from her. And that was okay. He was going to find his mate soon.

And she would find hers.

Soojin rammed her fists against the punching bag, sweat rolling down her forehead.

She had developed almost all werewolf qualities; she could hear Jeongguk's footsteps and his heartbeat.

"Why do I keep thinking about him!?" She yelled, punching again. Sand fell out of the bag as it moved back and forth.

She was breathing heavily and heard footsteps coming her way.

"That was an expensive bag" Jeongguk strolled inside the training area, hands in his pockets. His hair was messed up in an attractive way, his eyes cold.

"I'll pay for it" She mumbled, retying the bandage around her fists.

She adjusted her sports bra, as his eyes flickered there. She was leaving when he grabbed her wrist.

"I don't want money, my little prey" He whispered in her ear, lowering his head to her neck.

Soojin immediately pushed him away, eyes widened in rage.

"Stop playing with me, Jeon" She hissed "When will you stop with your shit? You're probably going to find your mate tomorrow; what will she think of you?"

Jeongguk looked at her for a moment before he burst out laughing.

"Hmm, and you care about that?" He chuckled, bopping her nose with his finger.

"You're vile, despicable and utterly horrible!" She yelled, chest heaving.

Jeongguk laughed again, nearing her.

"You shouldn't say those things to your future husband" He cooed, arms crossed but his eyes were full of mischief.

She missed it, didn't she?

"What do you mean?" She mumbled, eyes looking at him in confusion "You're not my mate-"

"I am your mate, Min Soojin, and I knew it the very moment I laid my eyes on you outside that alley" He growled "You haven't fully developed yet, which is why you can't tell but you can hear my heartbeat, right?" He brought her hand to his chest "It beats this fast only for you. You drive me crazy and there isn't a moment when I don't think about you. I hate it when you deny there's anything between us" His eyes had turned yellow and she knew his wolf was present "Please, accept me. I don't know what I'd do without you" His bright eyes had gotten teary and Soojin almost stopped breathing.

She didn't know what to do. Was he telling the truth? She knew she wanted him. She wanted to see his face when she woke up and to see it when she fell asleep. She wanted him to hold her when she was sad and to kiss her tears away. She wanted to share all her joys with him and somewhere down there; she knew he was the one.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 - 𝑱𝑱𝑲 Where stories live. Discover now