16: 𝑨 𝑺𝒂𝒅 𝑴𝒐𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈

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After formulating a plan and assigning men, the three men came back to the pack house.

Jeongguk sat in his office chair with a tired sigh, Seokjin and Namjoon throwing themselves in chairs as well.

"We have something very important to discuss" Namjoon straightened himself, taking his glasses off.

"Can't it wait till tomorrow?" Jeongguk whined as Seokjin laughed.

"No, it's very important Gguk. Now listen up" Seokjin sighed.

"Everyone's getting a little suspicious about Soojin. A woman staying in your house for this long is, well, news to them and they are trying to figure out more about this" Namjoon massaged his temple.

"So, in order to get rid of this suspicion, we are hosting a pack party; you know, the one we host so you can find your mate? That way, people will still think you haven't found your Luna yet and Soojin will stay out of the spotlight" Jin explained, smiling.

Jeongguk rolled his eyes, sighing "Yeah, whatever it takes to keep her safe. Arrange a party this weekend. I'll ask Jimin to prepare the ballroom"


Soojin stretched, opening an eye and looking around.

Jeongguk's room looked very pretty in the morning and she could wake up to this every day.

But she was going to leave after training so that wasn't possible.

She sighed but let out a scream when her eyes fell on the other side of the bed.

A broad back lay there and because of the wing tattoos, she could tell who it was.

"What's wrong, love?" Jeongguk frowned, waking up immediately.

"WHY ARE YOU IN THIS BED!? AND SHIRTLESS!?" She shrieked, covering her eyes.

Jeongguk sat up, ruffling his bed hair.

"C'mon baby, it's not like you haven't seen this before. And this is my bed, sweetheart" He smirked, winking.

"T-That was a-a m-mistake. I d-didn't mean to l-look a-at you" She stuttered, turning red.

This guy had a record of making her blush more than anyone ever had.

He turned towards her placing his arms on either side of her.

He leaned in, grinning.

"That's no way to say good morning, darling" He whispered.

Soojin backed away, falling off the bed.

She yelped as a grinning Jeongguk leaned over the end of the bed, looking down at her.

"You okay, babe?" He laughed, and he looked like a literal bunny.

"You're a jerk, Jeon" She mumbled, looking away.

Jeongguk kept on laughing but yelled when Soojin pulled him down, giggling.

"Now we're even" She grinned but soon realized what position they were in and her grin faltered.

Jeongguk was in between her legs, his arms on either side of her head as he steadied himself.

He looked at her eyes and she looked at his. It was as if every emotion was visible to the two and only them.

It was as if an invisible string was pulling them closer and their eyes became hooded as they leaned in.

"May I?" He asked breathlessly.

Soojin nodded and closed her eyes, as his pillowy soft lips touched her own.

They caressed each other slowly, as if time would steal this away from them.

Jeongguk pulled away, both of them breathing heavily.

His eyes had turned yellow and he growled "Mine" before leaning in again.


Soojin came down for breakfast and everyone had knowing smiles on their faces.

Oh god, she had forgotten about their super hearing abilities.

She face palmed mentally, and shook her head.

Jeongguk strolled right behind her, a very cocky expression could be seen on his face.

"You guys are a little late, don't you think?" Jin winked at Soojin, who lowered her head.

"Hyung, leave them alone" Namjoon laughed and Jimin joined him.

Jeongguk sat at the front of the table, which surprisingly was far from Soojin's seat.

He cleared his throat before speaking.

"We're hosting a party this weekend. The party will help me, um, find my future mate" He looked down, not meeting her eyes.

"Oh" was all Soojin could muster as her fork dropped.

Why was she reacting this way? She knew he didn't belong to her. Her heart ached and her eyes got teary.

"Soojin" Jeongguk's eyes widened in worry "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine" Her voice cracked.

So that kiss meant nothing to him, she thought.

She was stupid to let him kiss her. What was wrong with her?

Seokjin patted her back, offering her a smile.

The breakfast went on in silence before Jeongguk stood up.

"You'll have your training in the evening. Go to Mrs. Lee first" He went away without another word.

Soojin saw his retreating back as a single tear fell from her eye, which she quickly wiped away.

"Hey" Seokjin cooed "I'm here for you, okay? It's gonna be okay, you're gonna be fine" He patted her head and Namjoon nodded.

"We're here, Soojin. And trust me, everything will be okay"


Jeongguk stormed inside his office. His wolf was howling in pain and he could hear her heart break.

This was stupid, but it was only to keep her safe. He was doing this for her only.

He sighed, running a hand through his hair.

She'll never forgive him. She'll think he's a player.

How could he live with himself?

He walked towards his desk, taking out some files to keep him busy.

"You'll understand soon, Soojin" He whispered to himself, as a lone tear fell down his cheek.




The drama has just started *evil laughter*

And yeah, they finally kissed 😏


Thank you so much for reading ❤️

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~ mish

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