36: 𝑯𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒖𝒄𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏

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Time slowed down as Jeongguk stepped towards the house.

His steps were slow, careful, as if the land beneath him would break.

The pouring rain made his hair stick to his forehead, strands tickling his eyes but he couldn't care less.

The voices behind him dissolved, and his eyes widened.

His lips trembled, a shallow breath escaping them.

His feet cracked and crunched the leaves below as he kept walking.

Memories of all the time he had spent here came hurling back, hitting him with an intensity that restricted his ribcage and made his spine still.

It was as if he could still hear the echoing laughter, the harsh padding of feet down the stairs, their parents scolding them.

He could smell the mulberries, feel the bark of the trees beneath his palm.

He felt as if it was the summer of '03 again; the last summer he had spent there.

Without him knowing, a tear escaped his eye and he blinked slowly.

He closed his eyes, shuddering as his shoulders tensed.

He heard her giggle, and his lids snapped open.

He saw her run towards the garden at the back, stopping for a moment as if teasing him.

His eyes widened as he followed her, breathing laboured.

His eyes kept changing colours, which of course he was unaware of.

Rain poured mercilessly as he weaved his way through twines and branches, breaking all that was in his way.

The girl giggled at his ruined state, not stopping.

When had she gotten this fast?

"Soojin, my love" He heaved "Please, come back"

The girl came to a halt when she heard her name, slowly turning towards him and opening her arms, as if welcoming him to her embrace.

She glowed and looked ethereal; almost unreal.

Jeongguk almost whimpered as he made his way to her, eyes watering.

He could finally embrace her.

Just as his arms were about to reach for her, he was yanked back, a growl escaping his lips once he landed on the ground.

"Are you out of your fucking mind!?" Yelled Yoongi, looking down at him.

Lightning struck mercilessly and thunder roared.

He shook Jeongguk with a force that knocked the breath out of him.

Jeongguk's vision no longer cloudy, he observed his surroundings.

Trees surrounded them, no life in sight. The wind howled; a song of woe, a lullaby of sorrow.

His feet were dangling from the edge of a cliff.

He gulped, looking at the enraged werewolf above him.

Footsteps were heard on the wet mud as the others approached.

"But she was right here, hyung" He whispered "She was almost in my arms-"

Jeongguk was shaken roughly, Yoongi's breath hitching at the sight of him; while one of his eyes was crimson, the other glowed yellow.

"Get your fucking head straight" Growled Yoongi, picking him up by the scruff of his shirt "Have you found anything?" He turned towards Jimin with a sigh.

"The house is empty, no sign of any life around here" Jimin reported, eyes darting between the two.

Yoongi pushed Jeongguk towards Seokjin with a grunt before walking back towards the cars, urging others to follow.

"You okay, Gguk? What happened back there?" Seokjin helped straighten him up.

"I saw her, hyung" He whispered "But she ran away. I couldn't think straight, all I wanted was her; back in my arms, safe and sound. What's happening to me, hyung? I can't lose myself"

Jeongguk pushed his hair back before walking forwards.

"He's starting to lose it" Namjoon nudged Seokjin "Do you think it's because he hasn't smelled her or seen her?"

"His wolf is panicking, which explains the hallucinations. He's unable to mind link or sense her; anyone in his shoes would be going feral" Seokjin sighed.


The men sat in complete silence.

They were soaking; hair disheveled as their clothes stuck to their bodies, body heat lowering rapidly.

They had failed to find her and their guts twisted in worry and their heart ached.

Jeongguk looked worn out, as if the life had been sucked out of him.

"If she's not here, where could she be?" Namjoon thought out loud.

Yoongi glanced at him through the rearview mirror before diverting his attention back to the flooded road.

"Jeongguk" Namjoon whispered cautiously "Can I have a look at that photo we found earlier?"

Jeongguk looked up at him before nodding, searching for it in his soaking jacket before handing it to the older man.

The photo, thankfully was dry.

Namjoon's eyes studied it carefully, trying to find a hint, a clue that would lead them to her.

He flipped it and that's when his eyes widened.

Silver Creek


"When was Soojin's birthday, again?" He asked no one in particular, eyes not leaving the text in front.

"It's in a day; seventh of July remember?" Seokjin shot him an annoyed look for bringing up Soojin in front of an unstable Jeongguk.

Of course, her name would be brought up however, only when the Alpha came to his senses.

"Silver Creek" He breathed out, looking at the four of them "That's where she will be"

"How can you be so sure?" Seokjin raised a brow and Jeongguk raised his head, watching the two, his doe eyes dull.

Jimin remained silent while Yoongi clenched the steering wheel, knuckles turning white.

Namjoon simply handed him the photo, which Seokjin studied closely.

Gasping, he handed it to Jimin and Jeongguk turned his head towards them in curiosity.

Jimin gulped, handing it to Jeongguk before nodding, as if reassuring him.

Jeongguk read it, eyes widening before handing it to Yoongi, who drove single handedly while studying the photo.

"Well, that's where we're going then"

Yoongi's statement brought silence to the car.

All kinds of emotions were present in the air; nervousness, fear and anger.

Jeongguk's eyes widened, changing colours once again.

And that's when he sensed her through his mind link;

Save me




I'm backk

So sorry for updating this late, I'm busy with school 😩

Also have a test in two days imma kms

There's three more chapters left and bam, the book's done

Take care loves

~ mish

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 - 𝑱𝑱𝑲 Where stories live. Discover now