32: 𝑩𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅

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He walked on the pristine, marble tiles, shoes making a soft clack as they hit the floor.

The chandelier above him highlighted his black hair, and light cascaded down him carefully, as if cradling him in its glow, making him look like an angel.

However, he was far from what he seemed to be.

Footsteps made him turn around slowly, as his gaze found out their source.

"Master" The man stopped in front of him, bowing "I have brought what you asked for" He raised his head, out of breath.

The young man revealed a box wrapped in silk, presenting it to his master.

The master grinned, hands grasping the object immediately, a grin taking over his features.

He lifted it's lid, as he held his breath.

Diamonds danced under the light as the lid opened, and he gasped.

He closed the lid at once, nodding at the man in front.

"Well done, Soobin" He grinned "Now, how shall I reward you?"

Although it seemed like a question, it was far from it. It was a mocking statement, that had Soobin on his knees.

"Please let my brother go" He whimpered "He has nothing to do with this"

Tears fell down his cheeks as he clasped his hands in front, begging. He looked ready to give up, to do anything for his brother.

And the man in front him smiled cynically.

"Isn't he a traitor's brother? What would your Alpha think, hm? Wouldn't he rip your head off?" The master pretended to think as he circled Soobin.

He handed the box to one of his men, and gestured the other to do something.

"Let me tell you something, Soobin. Trust is something very precious, in fact, more precious than any other thing in this wretched world" He looked at nowhere in particular "And, something that precious shouldn't be given to everyone now, should it?" He turned towards Soobin, smiling; and nothing about that smile was kind. It was as if he knew he had won; it was a victor's smile.

Just then, the man he had sent away earlier returned, dragging with him a small boy. The boy thrashed about, sobbing and Soobin was about to rush towards him before he was held back by two men.

"Now now, Soobin" The man smiled "There's no fun if I give him to you right away" He clicked his tongue, chuckling.

"Please, let him go" Soobin whispered, eyes bloodshot.

The young boy wailed, eyes widening at the sight of his brother.

"Hyung!" He screamed, struggling between the arms of the man that held him.

The master smiled, pulling out a pistol from his back pocket before pointing it at his brother.

"There" He grinned, pulling the trigger as Soobin screamed. The boy's body fell to the ground, blood surrounding his form. Soobin's eyes turned the very colour of the blood and he growled.

"Aw, if you miss him that much, I'll send you to him too" He cooed, before shooting Soobin right in the temple.

Soobin's body went limp, eyes wide as he fell on the pristine tiles below, blood oozing out of his head, his lips parted in a silent scream.

How fragile werewolves were; it only took one silver bullet to end one. And how fragile was one's life; it could be gone faster than you could blink.

Hoseok's men walked past him to get rid of the bodies.

He watched the blood painted floor, watching it swirl and form patterns; it wasn't the first time someone had died on this ground.

"At least they're together now" He grinned, walking out of the room.


Jeongguk stepped out of his office, closing the door behind him.

So much had happened in the span of this month, that he was unable to fully process it.

He leaned against the door, catching his breath and wiping his tears away.

Some Alpha he was, crying in front of others. There was nothing wrong with it, but it made him appear weak.

He ran a hand through his hair shakily, and walked down the hall. Surprisingly, he couldn't smell Soojin at all.

Her invigorating scent did not hit his nose, as it usually did, when he approached their shared bedroom.

The door was slightly ajar, and he clutched the knob hesitantly, peaking in through the gap, as he opened the door.

What he saw before him, took the air out of his lungs. His eyes surveyed the room, finding everything out of place, as if a storm had gone through it.

The sheets on his bed were crumpled, pillows thrown on the ground. The files he had brought downstairs this morning were thrown on the ground, papers covering every inch.

Then it hit him, and terror made him freeze on the very spot he stood. Metallic and vile, the scent of blood surrounded him, and he stepped inside the room with caution, hands trembling.

The window that led outside was open, inviting a cold breeze inside. Right next to it, were bloodstains, painting the wall, telling him something was terribly wrong.

His heart clenched and squeezed inside his chest, and every breath constricted his lungs.

His eyes searched the room for her, nose sniffing hastily, but there was no sign of her. Her scent usually lingered for a long time but now, he couldn't even tell if she was ever here.

How could he not have heard her? How could he not be there when she needed him?

It was her blood that decorated his wall.

He decided to call her, licking his dry lips as he held his phone to his ear with trembling hands.

A shrill sound broke the eerie silence present in the room, making him flinch. Her phone rested on the nightstand, and Jeongguk could feel his heart tear apart.

He ended the call, dropping his phone.

He decided to turn on his mind link, his eyes changing from brown to crimson.

No matter how hard he tried, he got no response. This could mean only two things; one, that she was unconscious or two, she had decided to ignore him.

Whether it was the former or latter, he was beyond worried.

"Where are you, Soojin?" He whispered, looking outside the window, into the forest that covered the vicinity.







Anyhoo, my exams went well and I'll be updating regularly now hehe 💗


~ mish

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 - 𝑱𝑱𝑲 Where stories live. Discover now