6: 𝑩𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓

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"Oh, who was it, Soojin?" Jieun asked, chewing pizza.

"It was Yoongi, he just wanted to check up on me" She sighed.

"So? Why do you seem so sad?" She frowned.

"You know about him and his business" She bit her lip "And he says he'll visit me this week"

"C'mon bae, you think he'll involve you in his shit? Never, he cares too much about you. He's your brother after all." Jieun flicked some anchovies off her slice.

"Ugh, I don't know, Ji. I love him but you know he's a bit too overprotective" Soojin cried.

"You're worried about him finding about Jeongguk?" She grinned "OH WE ARE NOT OFFICIAL YOU DON'T NEED TO WORRY YADA YADA" She mocked her, in the highest pitch she could muster.

Soojin rolled her eyes.

"What if he beats Jeongguk up or something?" She frowned.

Jieun looked at her for a full minute before laughing. She was clutching her stomach, wiping her tears.

"Oh god, that's what you're worried about? If this Jeongguk guy is as buff as you claim then he'll be able to handle that midget" she smirked.

Soojin was still not convinced.

After watching a movie with Jieun, Soojin went home.

She swiped her card at the entrance and the door opened with a soft beep.

She hadn't seen Taehyung since that day and he wouldn't pick up when she called him.

Where on earth is that boy, she thought.

She took off her shoes and that is when she heard strange noises. 


It had been a while since his hyungs had left and Jeongguk had to deal with another intruder.

He made his way to the underground cells in the pack house, anger clouding his mind.

This intruder was chained and he wondered how dangerous the man could be. It was almost amusing.

"You bastards love finding ways to get killed by me, don't you?" Jeongguk chuckled.

The intruder just grinned, his eyes not leaving Jeongguk's.

"Answer me, you stupid fuck" He seethed, grabbing the man by his hair.

The intruder started laughing and Jeongguk was this close to ending him.

"Awe is the Alpha angry?" He laughed.

"Why are you here? What's your fucking problem?" He yelled, veins popping on his neck.

The man grinned "The pretty crown you have in that box? We won't let your mate wear it"

Jeongguk's eyes widened. No one knew about the tiara except him and his Beta.

He slammed the intruder's head against the wall, making it crack.

"How do you know?" He whispered, the mention of his mate making him lose all his patience.

The man grinned, his mouth overflowing with blood "Red Moon"

With that he fainted.

Jeongguk would have to do something; he would have to keep his Luna safe.


Soojin ventured further into her apartment, the noises getting louder.

In her living room, Taehyung sat with the woman she saw yesterday, giggling.

"Um, hi?" She laughed nervously, waving.

The laughter came to a halt and Taehyung stood up grinning.

"Soojin, hey" He hugged her "Meet my mate- I mean girlfriend, Seoyeon"

Seoyeon came forwards, extending her hand.

"Nice to finally meet you, Soojin" She smiled warmly "Taehyung has told me so much about you"

Girlfriend? But they met yesterday? Soojin was puzzled but decided that it was none of her business.

If Taehyung called her his girlfriend, who was she to say otherwise? And they seemed happy together.

Soojin got to know Seoyeon better and learnt that she was a teacher; she taught toddlers.

"We were thinking about going out tonight" Taehyung smiled, hand enveloping his girlfriend's. Awee. "Would you like to tag along?"

"I don't know, you guys should go out and enjoy yourselves, I'd only be third wheeling" She didn't wanna go out with a couple. No way.

"Suit yourself bun, but we would have loved it if you had come along" He pouted and Seoyeon nodded.

"Yes, we would have loved it"

"That's really sweet of you guys but I'm sorry, I can't. Tae, can you come with me for a moment?" She smiled, but her eyes said something else.

Of course, Taehyung understood and followed her into the kitchen.

"What happened, Soojin? Are you okay?" He leaned against the counter, frowning.

"Yoongi called" She rubbed her temple "Said he'll visit me in a few days"

Taehyung rubbed her arms, smiling warmly.

"Hey, whatever you're worried about, just don't. Yoongi is a good brother and he loves you; and no, he won't involve you in his shit; I'll be making sure of that."

"Thanks Tae, you should head out now."

She was so grateful for Taehyung. God knows where she would be if he wasn't there.

"Don't stay up for me, I'll be going to my place. Bye Soojinie" He smiled, before heading out with Seoyeon.

Soojin let out a sigh, making her way to her room.

She decided to shower, changing into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

She was about to grab something to eat when her phone vibrated.

JK: can i come over? ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ



Heyy guyss!

Thank you so much for 50+ reads!

This means so much to me ( ;∀;)

Why do you think Jeongguk wants to come over 😏?

What is Yoongi's 'business' that Soojin is afraid of?

Please remember to vote, comment and share as it helps the story reach more people 💕

Updates will be slower; I'll try my best to update as often as I can, but I'll be having exams in a while and a bijj gotta study 😩


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