33: 𝑺𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒄𝒉

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Tears ran down Soojin's face as she hurried towards their shared bedroom, opening the door and slamming it shut with brute force.

Her head spun, thoughts forming a whirlpool inside.

Why did they keep this from her?

She slid down the very door, sobbing into her arms.

She could feel Jeongguk break as well and it tore her apart.

Her parents were never truly hers, her mother was some kind of supernatural that passed her powers onto her, her brother and her mate had been lying to her and did she mention she was supposed to be the strongest Luna alive?

It felt as if all of the weight on her shoulders was ten times heavier than before.

Did she not have classes in a few days too?

She scoffed at her thoughts. She still hadn't been able to turn into her wolf form, nor was she able to communicate with it.

She sighed, wiping her tears and getting up to slip into his clothes; even if he was not there, she still yearned for his warmth. She was done changing when she was slammed against the door.

A hand held her by the neck as she clawed at it, eyes turning golden. A man had pushed her against the door, hauling her form up against it.

She growled, ripping the man away from her and throwing him to the ground.

The man got up immediately, throwing her against the opposite wall, right next to the window.

A sickening crack echoed throughout the room as she collided with the wall, her vision blurry.

The man charged at her and she shook her head to get a hold of herself, running towards him. She grabbed him by his neck, suffocating him as she held him up.

"Who the fuck are you?!" She gritted out through her teeth, her fangs present as her glowing eyes showed no mercy.

The man maintained eye contact with her as she breathed heavily, his hands tugging at her grip.

She had never seen him before and wondered how he got in.

Wasn't the security supposed to be better?

The man grinned all of a sudden, making her frown.

She narrowed her eyes at him, tightening her grip when she felt something plunge into her arm.

She immediately let go of the man, pain coursing through her veins as she struggled to stand.

She looked at him, glaring and tried to charge at him but she only fell, as her body gave up.

She closed her eyes as a silent tear fell, before she lost consciousness.


"Where could she have gone?" Seokjin whispered as they searched in the woods, rain pouring down on them.

It had been a few hours since Soojin had gone missing and Jeongguk had gone feral; he wouldn't eat, he wouldn't sleep, and he refused to talk to anyone.

His eyes were crimson and he had a crazed look on his face.

"Soobin has been missing since days, Alpha" A man spoke, bowing "We searched his house but no one was there"

"I don't give two shits about that fucker" Jeongguk growled.

Seokjin and the others looked at him worriedly, their gazes showing nothing but sympathy.

"Gguk-ah, don't worry. We're gonna find her before the full moon" Seokjin put a hand on his shoulder, rubbing it affectionately but gasped once Jeongguk shrugged his hand off without a care.

The only thing in Jeongguk's mind were the words Mrs. Lee had spoken once he had entered his room earlier today.

"You have to hurry, Alpha" The old woman's voice was grave, her eyes swollen "They have the tiara and now they have her; if he crowns her himself, she'll forever be his"

Jeongguk turned around, eyes widened.

"What are you talking about" He whispered, shaking.

"She's very precious, Jeongguk. You must fight for her, or she'll be his"

Mrs. Lee bowed, giving him one last look before leaving.

A voice shook Jeongguk out of his trance, and he looked behind the him.

"We found these clothes over there" Taehyung panted, his eyes teary, pointing towards the other direction "Can you sniff them and tell us if it's her?" His voice cracked at the end as he handed the small pile to Jeongguk with trembling hands.

Jeongguk froze on his spot; these were his clothes. His clothes that she had worn today.

He did not even need to sniff; her scent along with the scent of her blood wafted out of the pile and made him nauseous.

He merely nodded and Taehyung released a choked sob, falling to his knees while clutching the clothes to his chest.

"No" He whispered "She's alive, I can feel it. Get the fuck up, we're not giving up on her" Jeongguk growled, grabbing Taehyung by the shoulders and shaking him.

Taehyung let go of the pile and a picture fell out of it. Jeongguk frowned, crouching down to take a better look.

Two young boys stood together, the younger grabbing the much older boy by the waist. They were smiling, as if the were the happiest children in the world.

They stood in front of a manor, and shrubs and grass surrounded them.

There was no way that he would ever forget that picture.

"I know exactly where she is" Jeongguk mumbled.




sorry for the late update hehe

The book is ending soon jsjsjsjsj (ik I've said this 100 times)

I'll be updated some books today; many will have their first chapters updated so do check them out

For those waiting for TPDG's update, istg I'm working on it, I'm kinda lazy hehe

Anyhoo, leave a vote if you liked it and thank you for reading 💗

~ mish

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 - 𝑱𝑱𝑲 Where stories live. Discover now