20: 𝑮𝒐𝒏𝒆

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"Where the fuck is she!?" Jeongguk screamed, veins appearing on his neck and his eyes turning red.

"She was supposed to be with Eunwoo, right? That's who she was supposed to dance with before he escorted her upstairs" Jimin explained, eyes stern and face devoid of emotion.

"So, where the hell is that bastard!?" He yelled, making all his men flinch "If there is a single scratch on her, I will have your heads" He growled.

One of his men ran in, panting. One side of the mansion was engulfed in flames and many people had died. Jeongguk and his men were covered in soot and sweat.

"Alpha" He bowed "They have found Eunwoo's dead body and according to the pack doctor, he was killed 2 hours ago; which means before the dance had even started"

Jeongguk massaged his temple, letting out a sigh.

Eunwoo was one of his best men.

"What about the Luna? Have they found anything?" He sighed.

The man simply shook his head, bowing before leaving.

"Call in the Kims, hyung" He told Jimin, who got to work immediately.

Jeongguk took his phone out, calling someone.

"Yoongi" He let out a strangled breath "Soojin is gone"

The flames had not been put out yet and the authorities were on their way.

Jeongguk saw his mansion falling apart, just like he was at the moment.

He wouldn't let anyone harm her.

It was his fault. If only he had stayed with her, none of this would've happened.


Hoseok tied an unconscious Soojin, fastening the ropes around her legs and arms and putting duct tape on her mouth. Typical, he knew, but it was enough for now.

The ropes were made of silver, so she wouldn't try anything.

He knew how powerful she was but he still had the upper hand.

He laid her body at the back of the car, sending it to his place.

His men already knew what to do, so he wasn't worried.

He wouldn't hurt her, unless she asked for it. It was her brother that he was truly after.

Min Yoongi.

Hoseok and Yoongi were good friends back in the day, until Yoongi decided to start his own gang.

Everything was fine, they fought side by side, dealt with drugs, whores, guns, money; you name it.

On one mission, while dealing with Lee Jaesuk's gang; one of the most notorious mafias in the country, Hoseok got wounded.

Yoongi left him, running for his life.

Betrayal changes even the best of people and let's just say he was one of them.

He shook his head at the memories, looking outside the car as it zoomed past buildings.

"I'm waiting for you, Min Yoongi" He grinned to himself.


The Kims stormed inside the mansion, walking towards Jeongguk with worried faces.

Jeongguk shot them a worn out smile as he greeted them.

"What happened, Gguk?" Jin furrowed his brows, putting a hand on his shoulder.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 - 𝑱𝑱𝑲 Where stories live. Discover now