21: 𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒏

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"Jung Hoseok?" Jeongguk whispered, eyes widened as he stood up.

He had a past with that man; one he didn't want to bring up.

He despised that man and hearing his name made him mad.

"Jeongguk?" Seokjin frowned "You okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine hyung" He cleared his throat.

"How do we really know it's him?" Namjoon raised a brow from his place, eyes darting between the three men.

"We have a history" He breathed out, voice gruff and eyes looking at no where in particular "But, I had left him to die" He walked towards the window, looking outside at the destroyed side of the mansion "How did that fucker come back?"

"There's only one way to find out" Seokjin raised a brow, as if suggesting something.

"Hyung, we don't have enough time. I can't even imagine how she must feel right now" Jeongguk's voice cracked, and he quickly cleared his throat. An Alpha must never show weakness.

"I have tracked him down; his headquarters are almost two hours from here" Namjoon fixed his glasses.

"Knowing Jung, he'll never take her to his headquarters" Yoongi rubbed his chin "Find a list of potential warehouses; it'll be even better if you find out who owns them"

"On it" Namjoon nodded.

"You should prepare weapons, mochi boy" He pointed at Jimin, who raised a brow, clearly offended but before he could say anything, Jeongguk nodded at him, gesturing him to leave.

He stormed past Yoongi, bumping into him intentionally.

"Seokjin" Yoongi crossed his arms "You got a plan? I'm only asking because you're a right hand man" He shrugged.

"I do have one, but I think I'll need some more time" He nodded.

"Fine, we'll be ready when you are" Yoongi then brought his attention to Jeongguk, who seemed lost in thought "Lover boy" He said sternly as he looked up "There's no time for daydreaming"

"I have something to confess" He mumbled and three heads turned in his direction.

"I have a past with Jung Hoseok too"


Soojin woke up again. Her vision was bleary and her ears were ringing. Her scalp hurt and it felt as if someone had crushed her skull.

She was lying on her stomach, arms spread.

Her eyes opened and she observed her surroundings.

The last thing she remembered was dancing. Yeah, she was dancing and then there was darkness-

Her thoughts were interrupted as pain shot through her spine and she let out a silent scream. She couldn't find her voice.

Her hands were tied with some peculiar looking rope; it shone under the moonlight that seeped through a window on the ceiling.

Moonlight illuminated the place in an indigo hue. Her senses heightened all of a sudden and she could see better.

Thank god she was a werewolf.

She could feel blood trickle down her nose and the very smell of it made her feel nauseous.

There were crates everywhere and she wondered what they contained.

She gained a bit of strength, and tried moving.

Her fingers could move but when she tried moving her wrists, it seemed as if someone had peeled her skin off, and left the flesh beneath it to sting.

Tears flowed down her eyes and she let out a choked sob.

She suddenly thought of Jeongguk; what would he think if she gave up this easily?

What about Yoongi? Jieun? She couldn't let these people down; she had to fight.

Her eyes turned yellow, and she tried getting up, putting her weight on her knees and pushing her torso upwards.

She succeeded in doing so and slowly crawled on her knees, moving forwards by rubbing them against the hard floor.

This was what she needed. Hope. And everything would be fine.

The door to the warehouse opened and in walked a man.

Had she seen him before?

"My my" He chuckled "You sure are fast, aren't you?"

Wasn't he one of Jeongguk's men? The tape on her mouth prohibited her from speaking but she made her way over to him, her eyes full of hope.

He walked closer, and she could see his face clearly in the indigo light.

"We meet again, little Luna" He grinned, and nothing about him seemed nice.

Soojin frowned as he plunged something in her shoulder, and she fell on the ground.


Jeongguk paced back and forth in the office, muttering something to himself.

Seokjin was deep in thought, and Namjoon was working on the laptop as Yoongi sat next to him.

"Here" Namjoon opened up a list, showing it to Yoongi "It's been two hours since she went missing; all these warehouses are in a two hour radius"

Yoongi nodded, as if thinking something.

Jimin burst into the room, bowing.

"The weapons have been prepared; I've called all men and doubled the security around the warehouse's and the mansion's perimeters. I've prepared a back up team just in case too" He panted, clearly out of breath.

Jeongguk nodded "You'll be staying here, hyung. Just in case we need something. You're in charge now"

Jimin nodded, bowing in acknowledgement.

"We need to divide the four of us. Min, are you going to lend some men?" Jeongguk raised a brow.

"They're at the ready, Jeon. I came prepared" He smirked.

"We'll have our men here in no time, Jeongguk" Namjoon stated.

"Jung Hoseok won't know what hit him" Seokjin grinned.






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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 - 𝑱𝑱𝑲 Where stories live. Discover now