25: 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒌𝒆𝒅

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Jeongguk's eyes turned golden, staring down at Soojin as he breathed heavily, his chest heaving up and down.

His eyes were glowing, specks of brown swirling in gold and it was ethereal. Her breath hitched as she looked at him, admiring him.

He traced her cheek with his nose, inhaling her scent. His nose lowered to her jaw, her neck and then her chest. Soojin could barely breath and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jimin scurry off.

Jeongguk growled as Soojin clutched his hair, pulling him in for a kiss.

His mouth latched onto hers hungrily, as if only she could quench his thirst.

He bit her lower lip, pushing his tongue inside, exploring her mouth.

Soojin moaned, pushing herself against him. She had never done this before, but was amazed at how her body responded to his touch.

Her chest touched his, making him groan as he grabbed her hips, pushing his pelvis into her's.

He pulled away, his voice deeper than it had ever been and his eyes glowing, as his lips lifted into a smirk "As much as I'd love to take you right here, sweetheart; let's proceed in my room, shall we?"

She gasped as he lifted her up, carrying her to his bedroom in a flash.

Soojin knew his wolf had taken over and he was most probably on his heat; his body temperature was too high and she could feel him getting warmer every second.

He threw her on the bed, standing right in front of her.

She frowned when he didn't move, his bright eyes eyeing her up and down as she steadied herself, breath hitching.

"Now, darling" He licked his lips "Strip for your Alpha"

She nodded, her throat dry.

"I'm afraid I'll tear everything apart if I do that myself" He chuckled deeply.

Soojin lifted her shirt off her torso, and his eyes took her in, as he bit his lip, unbuttoning his shirt slowly.

She threw her shirt away, before pulling off her jeans, throwing them across the room.

"Hmm" He hummed, now shirtless "Stop baby, let me do the rest" And he stalked towards her.

Soojin shivered, feeling a tingling sensation down there.

His tattooed torso and arms, nipple piercings and that gaze; she could look at him forever.

He trapped her between his arms and the mattress, eyes raking down her form as if he couldn't get enough.

He leaned down, placing soft kisses on her neck.

"My baby likes pink, I see" He hummed, snapping her bra strap, making her yelp.

He unhooked it with his fingers, and she could only wonder where he learnt that.

She shied away from his gaze on her bare chest, covering herself.

"I'll tie your arms if you don't behave" He growled, pulling them away.

For some reason, Soojin liked this side of him; it did things to her.

He buried his face in between her breasts, muttering praises as she gasped.

His mouth latched onto one while he massaged the other and Soojin moaned, squirming beneath him. He slapped her thigh, keeping a firm grip on her.

He traced her stretch marks and her scars, placing kisses on them.

Soojin's hands traced his chest, her lips tugging gently onto his piercings as he groaned. She kissed down his torso, reaching his jeans and he helped her pull them off.

Her eyes immediately went down to his bulge and her throat went dry.

Jeongguk lowered himself, placing kisses on her stomach until he reached her heat.

"Let's see if the rest of you tastes as good as your lips" He whispered, before tearing her panties off.

Soojin gasped as she felt his breath near her clit, clutching his raven locks.

Jeongguk put his tongue flat against her bud and groaned, sending vibrations through her body.

"Jeongguk!" She moaned, when she felt his tongue inside her.

He bit her inner thigh "It's Alpha for you, sweetheart"

She moaned, her thighs shaking. She felt a knot in her stomach, and her eyes closed on their own.

When Jeongguk felt she was close, he withdrew his tongue, licking his lips.

Soojin whined as he chuckled, and he flipped her on her back, slapping her ass.

"You ready, baby?" He asked, throwing his boxers away and pumping his length.

Soojin mumbled a yes, clutching the sheets with her hands.

Her heart was racing and she couldn't feel it anymore.

Jeongguk leaned down, moving her hair away from her neck and leaving marks.

"I'm going in babe" He growled and she nodded.

She let out a loud moan as she felt him inside her, knuckles turning white from clutching the sheets too hard.

When he felt her relax, he started moving and Soojin felt as if she was on cloud nine.

She moaned his name, eyes rolling to the back of her head. Jeongguk groaned with each thrust, curses leaving his sinful lips.

He flipped her over, slamming into her and making her yelp. Her face made him moan, and he could look at her forever.

"I'm going to mark you now, my queen" He whispered.

She moaned again, unable to speak.

He leaned down, thrusting faster. His canines trailed around her neck, deciding where to mark her until they stopped right under her left collarbone.

Her hands snaked their way into his hair, bracing for the impact.

She felt the knot in her stomach tighten as did he, pleasure taking over them.

His canines plunged into her skin as she gasped and came, and she felt his seeds inside her. A spark was felt between the two, making them jolt. He licked her mark healing it.

Jeongguk fell beside her, his eyes no longer glowing. He pushed her hair out of her face, kissing her forehead.

"You're mine now, Soojin" He smiled.




So they did the dirty which ik y'all had been waiting for 😏



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~ mish

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