30: 𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒕𝒔

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Jeongguk's eyes widened in horror, his breathing becoming shallower as he stood along with Yoongi, who had a similar expression on his face.

"What do you mean, hyung?" He whispered.

The rest of them looked at each other in confusion. What was going on?

"What tiara, Jimin?" Soojin raised a brow.

"Not now, Soojin" Jeongguk whispered "Let's talk about this upstairs" He cleared his throat, leaving before she could protest. Yoongi followed him, as did Jimin, leaving the room in an uncomfortable silence.

Jeongguk's footsteps hastened as he neared his office, immediately walking towards the desk.

He pressed a button on the desk's underside, and a book shelf in the wall moved.

Yoongi and Jimin walked in, as Jeongguk neared the now open book shelf.

Inside, was a safe, which opened once he typed a code in; it was Soojin's birthday.

It opened with a soft click and he gasped when he saw that there was nothing inside.

He growled, punching the safe as it broke.

"Where the fuck is it!?" He roared and the men were taken aback.

"It's Jung" Yoongi whispered "There's no one else except us and the Kims who knew; not even Soojin" He ran a hand through his hair.

"I'll kill that fucker" His chest rumbled in rage, voice lowering a few octaves.

"The last time we checked up on it was before the night of the party" Jimin walked towards Jeongguk "Do you think it's been gone since then?"

"It has to; no one else knew, Jimin" Yoongi growled.

"I'll call the Kims" Jimin sighed as he left the room.


Yerin and Seoyeon had left and Taehyung had stayed behind. He was too worried about Soojin to simply leave.

He wasn't there the last time she had gone missing and he would make sure it was the last time ever that he wasn't there for her.

He sat with Soojin, who had zoned out.

"Bun" He whispered, hand snaking around her shoulders "What's wrong?"

She flinched, eyes darting towards him.

She shook her head, passing him a forced smile "I'll go check up on Jeongguk" She stood up.

"I'll come along" He held her hand and she simply shrugged, leading the way.

The house was eerily silent and she knew Jeongguk had dismissed all the servants.

The door to the office was ajar, and she stepped towards it hesitantly. Her eyes darted around the office and all 3 heads inside turned towards her.

"Jeongguk?" She asked in a meek voice, as if asking for permission to step inside.

The said man had his arms crossed on the desk as he rested his head above them, not even moving.

Yoongi nodded in his place and she tugged on Taehyung's hand, walking inside.

"What's going on?" She whispered, looking at the three, but no one met her gaze "Please, I deserve to know"

Yoongi looked up, patting the space beside him and she walked towards him, loosening her grip around Taehyung's wrist.

"Soojin, you're someone very important" Yoongi started, holding her hand "Not only as my sister, but to the world of the supernatural. And something that belonged to you, has gone missing"

Yoongi's eyes were unreadable but moist, and she frowned.

"No, you're wrong. All of my belongings are safe. And what do you mean I'm important?" She shook her head, scoffing.

"I lied, Soojin" He whispered "About who our mother was" And at that, all the remaining 3 heads turned towards him.

"Our mother was the strongest Luna alive. No one dared to question her, and her pack prospered. Her powers were passed through the generation; which means that our grandmother and her mother had the same powers too. And by powers; I mean strength to rule all. When you were born, she realized the danger she would put you in if the world knew you were her daughter; people would do all sorts of things for that sort of power. So, she gave us away and told me to take care of you" He caressed her hair "Our parents were never truly ours, Soojin. This is why I kept you away from people. You're going to be the next strongest Luna alive"

"But, what's gone missing?" She whispered as confusion clouded her head; she had never met her real parents. Was she living a false life all along? Her heartbeat fastened, fists clenched as she suppressed her tears.

"Every Luna in our mother's generation was crowned at her nineteenth birthday. The crown was given to her soon to be mate the moment he was born; how they knew who the mate was, I haven't the slightest idea" He shrugged "But, that crown holds power and if in the wrong hands, it will wreck havoc" He whispered.

"Why did you keep this from me? You too, Jeongguk?" She took her hands away from Yoongi's.

"It was to protect you, Soojin" Jeongguk stood up.

"I wouldn't have told a soul, or do you not trust me?" Tears prickled at the corners of her eyes as she approached him.

Jeongguk's heart broke at the sight, what was he to do?

"No, my love" He embraced her slowly, as if she'd break under the slightest of pressure "I trust you more than anyone, please understand"

"Understand what?!" She screamed, pushing him but his grip was firm "That I'm a werewolf and now I suddenly have all these superhuman abilities that I barely have control over? That I'm bound to you? Someone that I've known for not even a month? Someone who keeps secrets from me?"

Jeongguk's eyes widened at her sudden outburst, as his hands slowly left her sides. His lips trembled as he gulped, shoulders shaking.

She sobbed, moving away from him.

She didn't know what it was; maybe she had been too comfortable with this all too early; when in reality she knew nothing about it at all. And all this information in such a short amount of time made her head spin. Jeongguk didn't deserve this, she knew. But he kept things from her, that were related to her.

She looked at Yoongi, glaring at his teary eyes.

With no words said, she looked at Jeongguk as he stood still, breaking apart, before leaving the room.

The men stood there, watching her retreating back.



Okay, so I'll update every Tuesday from now on

How do y'all like the drama heh?

(☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

Hsjssjsksjjssj it has just begun



Please check out my other book; it's called The Prince's Doppelganger and I'm sure you'll like it ❤️

Take care and stay hydrated uwu

~ mish

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 - 𝑱𝑱𝑲 Where stories live. Discover now