15: 𝑪𝒍𝒖𝒃

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Jeongguk and a few of his men made their way downtown.

At this hour, only mobsters or crooks roamed around.

Jeongguk tied a layer of bandage around his right hand; it was the hand he used when he punched people.

"Fill me in with details, Namjoon hyung" His face was stern, tongue poking his cheek.

"Well, some unknown men were found meddling with our business yesterday. These same men have been trying to snoop around our warehouses" Namjoon explained.

"I thought Soobin had everything handled?" Jeongguk rubbed his temple "That ass can't do anything right"

"Give him a break, he's just a rookie" Namjoon tried to convince him, his voice calm.

"I don't care. One more mistake and he's dead meat. Assign Eunwoo in his place; at least the man can shoot. And ask Lucas to assist him. Can't have a rookie messing everything up" He sighed.

Namjoon nodded. If that was what Jeongguk wanted, then so be it.

Neon lights illuminated the car as Jeongguk arrived at his destination.

He strode inside the club, the stench of sweat and alcohol hitting his sensitive nose.

He cracked his knuckles, walking towards the bar.

The bartender's eyes widened, and he quietly raised his hands "They're in the back office" He whispered, his mouth trembling.

Jeongguk nodded, patting him on the back and he hit him so hard that he fell.

"Oops" He walked over his figure, making his way to the office in the back.

The door was hidden and due to the dim lighting, no one would notice it.

Jeongguk kicked the door open, eyes slanted in rage.

Two men sat inside the exquisite office, drinking alcohol. They weren't surprised at all that someone had kicked down the door. They knew what was coming.

"When will you stop meddling in my fucking business, Park!?" Jeongguk roared, storming in.

The said man only laughed, his eyes showing mischief

"Look at him all worked up, Baekhyun"

The said man laughed, sipping his drink.

"I've warned you both too many times" He growled, withdrawing a gun from his back pocket "You've been testing me for far too long" He pointed his gun at the men.

"Woah, okay wolf boy. Calm down" The man beside Park laughed.

Jeongguk shot at his leg, and he screamed in pain, falling down.

"Chanyeol" He whispered before passing out.

"What a pussy" Jeongguk scoffed and snapped his fingers, his men flooding into the room.

The men stood with rifles in their arms, all of them pointed at Chanyeol.

Chanyeol gulped as Jeongguk walked towards him, steps slow and intimidating.

"Where is it, Chanyeol?" He growled, glaring at the man.

Chanyeol pointed at the safe behind him.

He couldn't believe these were the rookies he had to deal with.

Jeongguk opened the safe with his bare hands; retrieving his files.

These files contained crucial information regarding him and he couldn't afford to let his rivals have them.

It was bad enough already that they were in their possession.

"Thanks" Jeongguk smirked, before knocking him out with a single punch.

"Take them to the torture cells. I'll deal with them tomorrow" He waved his hand, dismissing his men.

Namjoon walked in, hands in his trousers pockets.

"Is anything missing?" He eyed the files, walking towards the younger man.

"Nothing, but how did they get their filthy hands on this? What the hell is Soobin doing!?" Jeongguk roared "Take me to the headquarters, right now" His voice was so harsh that Namjoon could only hope and pray for Soobin's life now.


Jeongguk slammed the door shut, making his way out of the car.

The headquarters were located a little further from the pack house and it was a large, old building so no one suspected anything.

Soobin waited outside for his arrival, armed men covering the entire perimeter. They bowed immediately when they heard his footsteps, knowing they would have to face his wrath otherwise.

Jeongguk came to a halt directly in front of Soobin, who was trembling constantly.

"You should be glad you are alive" He growled, shoving him out of his way.

He made his way inside, entering the elevator.

His office was at the top most floor, and it took him no time to get there.

He walked inside, relishing in the power he possessed.

Seokjin and Namjoon walked in soon after, throwing themselves in whatever chairs they stumbled upon. It had been a long night.

"Hyungs" He sat in his chair, throwing his jacket away "We have some asses to kick"





And sorry for the short chapter hehe

~ mish

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 - 𝑱𝑱𝑲 Where stories live. Discover now