24: 𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒕

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Jeongguk walked out of the bathroom, wearing a pair of sweatpants.

He crawled in next to Soojin, smiling upon seeing her adorable face.

He brought her closer to his form, nuzzling her neck.

And before he knew it, he had fallen asleep.


Soojin didn't know what time she woke up but she was glad to be in Jeongguk's arms.

She turned around, smiling at his sleeping face.

He looked like a baby.

His mouth was open, his eyelashes resting on his cheekbones and his hair was messed up.

She ran her fingers through his hair, feeling the soft locks beneath her fingertips. She gently massaged his scalp, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

She was so glad to have him by her side; her mate, her protector, the one who loves her the most.

It was then that she noticed he wasn't wearing a shirt.

She gulped, putting some distance between them but his hold on her was too firm.

She didn't feel uncomfortable, it was just that she was shy.

She was going to confess to him today, no matter what.

Her birthday was only a week away and she was scared. Would she be able to turn? Would she be a good Luna?

Her thoughts were interrupted as her mate's hand crept under her shirt, before she smacked it away, earning a wince from him.

"Manners, Jeon" She laughed, pecking his cheek.

"Good morning, baby" He pouted, pulling her even close "How are you? Did they hurt you? Did they touch you? Are you alright? Are you injured?" His eyes searched her face, looking for any signs of discomfort or pain. His morning voice was something else, but she decided not to think about it for now.

"I'm fine" She rolled her eyes "These werewolf abilities are quite useful"

Jeongguk sighed in relief, kissing her temple.

"Oh, they are" He mumbled against her neck "You know I can smell your arous-"

She punched his bicep as he laughed, throwing his head back.

"Did you change my clothes?" She raised a brow, knowing he would never.

"I wish I did but I had Mrs. Lee do that" He winked, tickling her.

"C'mon now, let me shower. I have to see Yoongi too" She sighed, getting out of his arms. She hadn't seen her brother in a while and knowing that he had stayed the night made her happy.

"Give your Googie a kiss" Soojin's head snapped at him, eyes widened.

"Googie?" She whispered and he nodded,  his eyes growing bigger. Had this tattooed, muscled man just called himself a cute name?

She shook her head "Googie won't get a kiss" She huffed, grinning at him. A bit of teasing never hurt. But, his eyes turned darker, as he tilted his head.

"What did you say, sweetheart?" His eyes turned yellow, tongue poking his cheek as he leaned forwards.

"No, give me my Googie back" She whispered, eyes widened in horror.

"Him?" He hummed "The big bad wolf ate him" He smirked, his fingers tracing her jaw "And you're next" He bared his canines.

Soojin screamed, running towards the bathroom as Jeongguk laughed his ass off.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 - 𝑱𝑱𝑲 Where stories live. Discover now