4: 𝑷𝒐𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒗𝒆

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"Since we're here to eat, I have a joke" Taehyung grinned.

Soojin rolled her eyes. If this guy wasn't her dearest cousin, she would've bashed his head with the nearest object.

"What do you call a meal that will be served to a hoe?" His grin widened, looking at Soojin's confused expression.

"Food for thot" he burst out laughing and Soojin couldn't help but laugh along.

All of a sudden Taehyung stiffened, smelling the air.

"What? Hey! I didn't fart!" Soojin protested but Taehyung didn't even glance at her. He was looking somewhere else entirely.

A young woman entered the café, looking around until her eyes landed on Taehyung.

"Taehyung?" Soojin asked but the boy speed walked towards the girl, leaving Soojin dumbfounded.

They both left the café. What the hell was that about, she thought.

Just then Soojin saw someone coming her way; a special someone who had been messing with her head all day.

And she hadn't even talked to him yet.

His strides were powerful and calm and Soojin thought that he could be a model.

He was wearing a white button up with black jeans and holy hell she was going to drool.

His tongue came out to wet his lips and he ran his fingers through his raven hair, messing it up in an attractive way.

Now that she could see him better, he had an undercut and multiple piercings lined his ears.

Soojin gulped.

His eyes were boring into hers, and she swore they changed colours. Fancy contacts, huh.

Was he stalking her or something?

He sat where Taehyung had before, and put his hands in front of him, leaning in.

If it was any other guy, she would've beaten him up.

But he was an exception. And she still didn't know why.

"Hello, there" he smiled and his voice made Soojin go red in the face. It was deep and gentle and she could listen to it all day long.

"Hi?" She couldn't find her voice and cringed at the way it came out. Way to go Soojin, she thought.

He let out a smooth chuckle, an amused grin etched on his face. Oh god, he was one fine man.

"I'm Jeongguk" he extended his hand "And I was wondering if you'd like to get coffee with me?"

She put her hand in his and she felt sparks run up her arm, making her jolt.

He smirked, bringing her hand up to his lips, placing a chaste kiss on her knuckles, while maintaining eye contact.

"Well?" He hummed "What do you say?"

"Sure I guess" She squeaked.

Jeongguk laughed and she was sure it was the most beautiful sound in the world.

Two minutes and I'm already whipped, she thought.

Jeongguk ordered two dutch coffees and two raspberry tarts.

"Have you had breakfast yet, love?" He asked, one hand behind his nape.

Love. He called her love. Soojin's heart was racing and she wanted to yeet it out of her ribcage.

She cleared her throat before answering "Actually, that's what I came here for"

Was she being a burden? She barely knew him and he was buying her breakfast.

The doe eyed man's grin widened and he ordered pancakes for both of them.

He was adorable but insanely attractive at the same time.

She had probably saved a country in her past life if she was this lucky.

The awkward air around them soon went away once the food arrived.

They talked about anything and everything; Jeongguk had forgotten all about her male companion and his hyungs and Soojin couldn't care less about Taehyung at the moment.

She learnt that his favourite colour was black and that he liked cars. Cute.

It was like they could talk for hours and never get tired.

It was weird how they hadn't talked about the night they met, but both of them decided to not bring it up.

"Gimme your phone" Soojin smiled as Jeongguk raised his eyebrows.

"Ooohh and what are you gonna do with it?" He played along, handing it over immediately.

She saved her contact inside his phone and called herself.

"There, now I have your number" She smiled.

"You could've just asked, love and I'd have given you the world" He said with a fond smile on his face.

Okay, too much for a first date, she thought.

Jeongguk's smile fell and he cleared his throat. He should keep his composure and not freak her out.

Soojin's phone buzzed and she fished it out of her pocket, reading the text that she received.

Ji: bitch we were supposed to hang today (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ


"I'm so sorry, Jeongguk" she pouted unintentionally and his heart fluttered "I forgot that I had to hang out with a friend today."

"Oh no, it's totally fine." He smiled, sad at the thought of his mate leaving "But, only if you agree to meet me again tomorrow, sweetheart" he grinned.

Sweetheart. God damnit.

"Yeah, sure" she shuffled with her feet "I'll get going now. Bye Jeongguk" she thrust her hand forward for him to shake.

Jeongguk took her hand in his, kissing it once again "Good bye, love"



Heyy loves (◍•ᴗ•◍)✧*。

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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 - 𝑱𝑱𝑲 Where stories live. Discover now