10: 𝑷𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝑯𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆

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Soojin got nervous as Jeongguk drove up to a large mansion. It was a crème coloured house, with big windows and it  was surrounded on the both sides, by greenery and large grounds, which stretched as far as she could see.

Vines crept up from a side of the mansion, spreading upwards in a graceful way. The large driveway was made of cobblestone and it complimented the house. She could tell it was old but it was pretty well maintained.

Several cars were lined up outside the house, gleaming, and she was sure they were expensive has hell. About thirty men stood at the gate, black suits and neutral expressions.

Three men stood outside the house, as if waiting for Jeongguk's arrival.

Jeongguk noticed her fidgeting and placed a hand on her thigh, smiling warmly.

"Hey" he said gently and she almost swooned "What are you worried about?"

Soojin just shook her head and Jeongguk parked the car.

"I'm here, with you" He gazed into her eyes, his brown eyes filled with warmth "And I'm not gonna let anything happen to you, okay?"

Soojin was warmed up from the inside; this man was so perfect. If only he was hers.

"Thanks" She whispered, maintaining eye contact as they got out of the car.

A man immediately approached them, his blonde hair slicked back. He was shorter than Jeongguk but god, he was handsome.

"Alpha" He greeted Jeongguk, bowing and he turned towards Soojin, smiling "Miss Min, it's a pleasure"

His smile was so adorable.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too-"

"Jimin" He extended his hand, eyes becoming crescents.

Soojin shook his hand, smiling only to hear a growl erupt from Jeongguk's throat.

Soojin collided with a hard chest, a strong arm gripping her waist.

Jimin stifled a laugh and left, shaking his head, only for two more men to arrive.

Jeongguk's demeanor changed immediately, but his grip never loosened.

"Hyungs" He chimed and Soojin was confused as hell.

"Ah, we meet you at last" A man with a mullet chimed, his lips plump and eyes brown "My name is Kim Seokjin, it's a pleasure to meet you" He grinned.

Oh god, if it wasn't for Jeongguk holding her, she would've fallen. He was ethereal.

"I'm Soojin" She smiled, extending her hand once again as she managed to get out of Jeongguk's grasp.

"Oh, we know. Kookie here doesn't stop talking about you" He laughed, giving her hand a firm shake. Jeongguk's ears turned red as he cleared his throat.

"And I'm Kim Namjoon" A gorgeous man with dimples smiled, shaking her extended hand.

God, what did they feed them here?

"Enough with the introductions, we'll get going now" Jeongguk pulled Soojin with him, making his way inside.

He tossed his car keys to a man nearby, who already knew what to do.

Soojin gasped when she saw the mansion from the inside; it was magnificent. A large chandelier hung from the center of the ceiling, illuminating the whole place. Two staircases led upstairs, marble floors gleaming beneath her feet.

Jeongguk chuckled, looking at her face.

He led her through the beautiful hallways, stopping at a door. The door was made of the finest of woods; probably mahogany, as Soojin guessed.

"This is where you'll be staying" He grinned, turning the door knob.

Her eyes widened as she entered the room. It was a large bedroom; and everything was black and white. A king sized bed was placed in the centre, and the room had an attached bathroom and a walk in wardrobe.

"Who's room is this, Jeongguk?" Her eyes traveled all around the place in amazement.

Jeongguk walked in further, loosening his tie "It's mine, sweetheart; just like you" He winked.

Soojin blushed; this guy was unbelievable.

"You shouldn't flirt with me, Jeongguk" She rolled her eyes "I'm not yours"

Ever since she had learnt about the fact that werewolves had mates, she had tried to keep a distance from him. She knew he would have a mate sooner or later and a relationship would only hurt the both of them. And she had her own mate to worry about, too.

Jeongguk's gaze darkened, a lopsided smile present on his face as he walked towards her, unbuttoning his shirt.

Soojin stepped back, intimidated, until her back hit the door.

Jeongguk approached her carefully, eyes drinking her in.

He had unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt, and Soojin could see a hint of a tattoo.

Jeongguk had reached her, a few inches between them. He placed one hand beside her hip while the other was placed right next to her head.

And Soojin felt like fainting.

He leaned down, his hot breath hitting her lips as he smirked.

"Who said that, baby?" His voice had changed, and she could see his eyes turning yellow.

"I-I d-did" She stuttered, gulping. Soojin's knees were shaking and she could feel butterflies in her stomach.

No, this was wrong. He belonged to his mate. He was not hers.

He licked his lips, amused.

"Naive, little Soojin. If that's the case" He chuckled lowly "Should I show you who you belong to?"

Just then, someone knocked at the very door Soojin was leaning against.

"Control your darn hormones, Jeon" Seokjin shouted "Leave the poor girl alone and come downstairs for lunch"

Thank god. If it wasn't for Seokjin, who knows what would've happened. 

Jeongguk rolled his eyes, moving away.

"We should get going then" She mumbled meekly, looking down.

"Oh, but I have other plans for lunch" He smirked, leaning in again.

Soojin quickly opened the door behind her, running. Her heart was racing and she could hear Jeongguk's laughter.

He was gonna be the death of her.




I apologize if the updates will be slow in the future because I'm too busy 🥺

Anyway, vote and comment as it keeps me motivated 💕


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