13: 𝑳𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐𝒏

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Soojin got out of his grasp, eyes glaring at him, ignoring her heart that missed his warmth.

"You cheated, Jeon" She huffed "You know I can't run as fast as you"

Jeongguk smiled in amusement; this girl was too adorable.

"Oh baby" He clicked his tongue, smirking "Weren't you the one who ran first?"

Soojin was at a loss for words. This handsome but evil man was being ridiculous.

"Yeah I did, but I thought you were gonna be a decent guy and play fair" She scoffed, arms crossed against her chest, which made it appear bigger than usual.

All this running had Jeongguk worked up and looking at his mate being this angry drove him mad; in a good way.

He gulped when his eyes accidentally went where they should not have, and before he knew it, they turned yellow.

"Jeongguk?" Soojin whispered and he looked at her with his bright, yellow eyes.

In a second, he had pinned her against the nearest wall, hands keeping her wrists against it.

"Are you afraid of your Alpha, darling?" He hummed, head buried in her neck as his hair tickled her shaking form.

"Jeongguk" She whispered "This isn't right; you're not my mate"

The raven haired man looked up immediately, eyes boring into hers.

She gasped when she saw his eyes up close, and he started leaning in slowly, almost as if he was teasing her.

He looked down at her lips, slowly running his tongue over his bottom lip.

"Hmm" He hummed, almost amusingly and his voice was soo deep that Soojin felt goosebumps form all over.

"You've been testing me all day, sweetheart" His voice was gruff and she knew that this wasn't Jeongguk "You sure know how to run that pretty little mouth of yours" He chuckled lowly.

Soojin was about to say something when he leaned towards her neck, and she almost stopped breathing.

"Anger can lead to several things, my love" he ran his tongue across her collarbones "One of them being you under me"

He landed his lips at the base of her neck, trailing feather like kisses up to her jaw. He took his time, making sure she felt each kiss.

A soft moan left her lips as she tried pushing him away, but he didn't even budge.

She was enjoying this, but she knew it was wrong.

Her body said otherwise.

Jeongguk reached her jaw, and leaned back, his eyes turning back to normal.

"You're mine, Min Soojin" His spoke, his voice unwavering "And I'll prove it to you anytime you want; without hesitance"

Soojin couldn't speak; her heart still hadn't calmed down.

"Now, time for your lessons. Go upstairs and Mrs. Lee will explain everything to you" He moved away, running his fingers through his hair, as if nothing had happened.

Soojin nodded, her cheeks gone red, and made her way upstairs as fast as she could.

Jeongguk let out a frustrated sigh.

What was he gonna do if she rejects him?


Soojin made her way upstairs, her heart still racing.

She couldn't believe that she was enjoying it; what would her mate think of her?

And what did he mean by saying she was his?

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 - 𝑱𝑱𝑲 Where stories live. Discover now