23: 𝑯𝒐𝒎𝒆

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Silence enveloped the car, as Yoongi drove, his hands clutching the steering wheel.

Soojin sat on Jeongguk's lap and he held her close to his chest, his coat wrapped around her shivering form. He rubbed her arms, occasionally kissing her temple and whispering encouraging words into her ear.

She was gripping on to his shirt, her knuckles turning white. She was staring into nothing, her eyes wide with fear.

Jeongguk's eyebrows were furrowed in worry and he wanted to rip Jung's head off.

He wanted her to be okay and the only thing he could do right now was comfort her.

He was so grateful to have her back in his arms; now he'd never let her out of his sight.

The gentle whirring of the engine and the pattering of rain made her eyes blurry.

Her breathing was steady and he peaked down at her, only to find her asleep. He smiled, kissing her forehead once again.

If only she knew how much he loves her.

They were driving in silence, until Namjoon decided to speak.

"Can't see the backup cars" He whispered "Seokjin, can you check?"

Seokjin nodded, gazing at the barely visible side view mirror.

"There's no one behind us" His eyes widened.

Yoongi looked at the rear view and then the side view mirror.

"Where the fuck are they?" He gritted his teeth. It had been a very long night.

The sound of raindrops hitting against the roof of the car was louder than before, and they knew the rain had gotten worse.

Jeongguk clutched his mate's form closer to his chest, head resting at the base of her neck. He growled silently, afraid of losing her again.

The men had forgotten all about their sleep and if they were honest, they couldn't care less.

"I told them to abort the mission the moment we found my cupcake" Yoongi stated, eyes fixed on the road "They're probably on their way"

An hour later, they arrived in front of Jeongguk's mansion.

Cars were lined up, innumerable armed men covering every inch of the mansion despite the rain.

Men with umbrellas rushed forward so that the five of them don't get wet.

Jeongguk pulled Soojin closer, his hold on her firm but gentle. His shoes sloshed against the flooded pavement and he sighed internally when he saw the destroyed part of his house.

He walked inside and Jimin rushed towards him, eyes puffed and hair messed up.

"Is she okay?" He whispered. Jeongguk merely nodded.

"I want all my men to be on guard tonight, hyung" His eyes flashed red.

Jimin nodded, bowing as he walked past him.

Jeongguk pushed the door to his room open, gently laying her down.

"Mrs. Lee?" He called. Despite the odd hour, he knew the old woman was up, waiting for him.

"Yes, Master Jeon?" She appeared in front of him, bowing.

"Change Soojin's clothes please, and if you can, tend to her wounds. If it's something serious, call me. I'll be in my office" He smiled at her and she nodded.


Jeongguk marched inside his office, rolling his shoulders and cracking his neck.

The three men were already inside, resting at their usual spots.

Jeongguk sat in his chair, hands holding one another on the desk.

"Now what?" He raised a brow.

"We find Jung, beat him to a pulp, feed him his own dirty balls-"

Yoongi was interrupted as Namjoon cleared his throat.

"Yes, let's find him. We wouldn't know what his predicament is until we converse, right?" Namjoon looked at the three.

"Fuck that crap, that guy bombs his home" Yoongi pointed at Jeongguk "Kidnaps my little sister, hurts her and you want us to talk!?" He yelled.

"Calm down, Min" Seokjin rolled his eyes.

"Then, let's attack him when he least expects it?" Namjoon suggested "When his guard is down, you know?"

Gears were turning in Yoongi's head as he smirked.

"And I know exactly how to do that"

"But what about Soojin, how do we keep her safe?" Jin inquired, drinking straight from a bottle of vodka.

"This idiot here needs to mark her" Yoongi rolled his eyes as Namjoon stifled a laugh "So that they can mind link, and he'll know when something is wrong; I mean, I marked my girl the day I met her"

Jeongguk's ears turned red and he cleared his throat, ignoring Jin's cackling.

"I don't want to force her or anything" He mumbled.

"How the fuck are you an Alpha?" Yoongi laughed and the others followed.

"Hey! I respect her, okay!" He yelled, crossing his arms.

"That's not what I meant you stupid fuck" He rolled his eyes "Seduce her or something. You're a man and as much as I hate to admit, you're attractive. Show her your tits or something and she'll come around"

Jeongguk groaned, hiding his face in embarrassment as the others laughed.

"You don't want other men looking at her now, do you Gguk? An unmarked woman invites unwanted attention" Seokjin tipped the bottle towards his lips.

His eyes turned red, veins popping on his neck.

"I'll kill whoever looks at her that way" He growled.


Jeongguk walked inside his bedroom, eyes finding Soojin, who was curled up on the bed.

He took off his tie, throwing it on the floor as he walked towards his wardrobe. He threw off his shirt, unbuckling his belt.

It had been a long day and he wanted nothing more than to curl up next to his precious mate.

He stepped into the shower, warm water running down his skin and dirt, grime and blood flowed down the drain.

He needed to mark her.





Soojin is finally back hehe

Some spicy stuff coming ahead 😏

So be prepared hehe

Also, I may be working on another book 👀

Vote if you liked this and please comment I love reading them 💗

~ mish

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 - 𝑱𝑱𝑲 Where stories live. Discover now