39: 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒔

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The scent of earth wafted inside the beast's nostrils, chest heaving with every leap he took.

Flashing through conifers, moonlight cascaded down the his mighty form.

Everything was painted indigo; the moon was the largest anyone had ever seen, illuminating even the darkest parts of the forest.

And he could hear everything; the sound his paws made when they touched the damp grass, the fluttering of prey in the bushes, the fear of all living things around him.

Everything, but her.

She was alive, he was aware.

He leaped forward, standing at the edge of a cliff.

And he drew in a breath, inhaling all the scents in the forest.

Dew, ivory, creepers, the fear of the prey, and her.

He raised his head, letting out a howl.

A howl that was to assure her, to tell her it would be alright, that they would be together again.

And a howl, that was to threaten him, to tell him death was coming, that it would be a miracle if he'd make it out alive.

The earth stood still, and all living things stopped moving. And the air was consumed by one thing; perturbation.

Silver Creek. He was right in front of it.

Leaping once more, he ran. Mouth thirsty for vengeance, the blood running through it was to be shed only for her sake.

A creature as mighty as he was, and he was afraid.

Afraid of not being able to save her, afraid of not being able to look into her eyes again, afraid of not seeing her, afraid, because she was about to be someone else's.

The ground shook every time his paws made contact with it.

With one last leap, he landed in a field.

And there, he saw her.


She didn't know how long she had been sitting in the car.

She watched as they zoomed past trees, her eyes dull.

Had she accepted her fate?

Was the man beside her, her mate now?

Had she no power to stop him?

The moon irradiated everything outside the car.

The night was young.

It seemed as if it was calling her, and if she could, she'd go.

Jieun sat in front, clutching an old book to her chest, muttering something under her breath.

Hoseok sat beside her, rubbing his chin, lost in thought.

The dress that was wrapped around her self was everything she had ever wanted in a wedding dress.

But no, not the man beside her.

There was only one man that would be the cause of her elation, the cause of her smile.

Only one man she'd wake up to see every morning, one man she'd see before she'd close her eyes.

The only pair of eyes that she could see her hold world in.

The only pair of arms that she'd feel at home in.

Home, that was what Jeon Jeongguk was to her.

The car came to a halt, and she clutched the satin dress, the material moulding to her liking.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 - 𝑱𝑱𝑲 Where stories live. Discover now