31: 𝑷𝒂𝒔𝒕

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Just as Soojin left the room, the Kims walked in.

She went past them, not even sparing them a glance.

The brothers didn't mind; they knew something was wrong.

They walked into the office and Jeongguk cleared his throat, straightening himself.

"You came" His voice cracked at the end.

"Of course" Namjoon smiled, embracing him, followed by Seokjin.

"Did something happen?" Seokjin raised a brow "Jimin just told us to come over, nothing more"

"The tiara, hyung. It's missing" He whispered.

"Missing?" Seokjin gasped "But her birthday is in three days!?"

"Calm down, hyung" Namjoon shot him a look "When was the last time you saw it?" He turned towards Jeongguk.

"Jimin hyung saw it on the day of the party" He pointed at the said man.

"It must've gone missing then" He rubbed his chin "But, only your men were allowed upstairs, right?"

"Yes" Jeongguk nodded "But, Jung had gotten in himself; someone must be involved. We still haven't found out who"

"Well, you aren't looking at things close enough" Namjoon mumbled, walking towards his desk "You said everyone was alert on that day; but Eunwoo died, didn't he? He was supposed to escort Soojin upstairs right? Someone must have taken him down and it must have been someone skilled enough since he was one of your best men. Who was incharge of security that day?" Namjoon raised a brow.

"Soobin" Jeongguk growled "It's all that dipshit's fault. That good for nothing motherfu-"

"That's enough, Gguk. We'll have to get to the bottom of this" Seokjin spoke, his eyes gleaming with determination.

"What we do know now, is that we have a mole amongst us; someone from the inside that's feeding them information" Namjoon's words rang throughout the room as his eyes watched everyone carefully.

"Now, if Jung has taken it, he obviously knows Soojin is your mate. Didn't you say you had history with him?"

The colour faded from Jeongguk's tear stained cheeks and his puffy eyes went wide. He shook his head, calming himself down before looking at Namjoon again.

"Look, we don't wanna force you. However, it's important that we know whatever happened between you and him in order to know his true intentions" Seokjin's voice was calm, almost too soothing, as if persuading him to spill everything.

Jeongguk exhaled before nodding, and everyone held their breaths.

"Jung Hoseok was brought into the Jeon household at the mere age of three; when I was just an infant. My parents had found him alone one night, sitting on the edge of the road when they decided to take him in; at least that's what I was told" Jeongguk started, ignoring everyone's questioning gazes and widened orbs "I basically grew up with him; we went together everywhere, played together, and he was like an older brother to me. He taught me kindness, empathy and everything I know today. One day, he found out the truth; about why he was adopted. His parents were rogues, trespassing our land when they were killed by my father, and Hoseok was with them. Since he was a young wolf, he didn't remember it at all. My father didn't have the heart to leave Hoseok there so he brought him along. How Hoseok found this out, I never knew, and he must have felt betrayed; who would want to live with the one who murdered his parents? He was fifteen at that time, and he left the house. I remember how his eyes were filled with hatred as he looked each of us in the eye, promising he'd get his revenge"

Silence embraced them whole, and no one dared to move out of it's clutches.

"That's when he joined me" Yoongi whispered "He had ran through forests and ended up in Daegu; the wrong side of it. I had found him in an alley, weak and miserable. He wanted to join me, work for me. He earned my trust soon enough and became my right hand man. He was a few years younger than me but what he lacked in age, he made up for it in his skill, determination and loyalty" A fond smile graced Yoongi's lips, as he recalled old times. "Anyway" He cleared his throat "He's after Soojin because he knows she's precious, to both of us. Keeping her safe is our top priority right now"

Jeongguk stiffened at the mention of her name and nodded slowly.

"What happened to her anyway?" Namjoon asked.

"They had been keeping something from her, for her sake. She got mad when she found out" Taehyung whispered, surprising everyone "I've never seen her like that"

Jeongguk looked away when all heads turned towards him.

"I'm not going after her; not when she's this broken" Yoongi shook his head "She's your mate, Jeon, do something. You promised you'd never hurt her, didn't you?" Yoongi watched him with a challenging gaze.

Jeongguk remained silent for a few moments, before storming out of the office.


Little Jeongguk's feet padded across the hallway, as thunder rumbled outside, lightning illuminating the dark hallway every once in a while, making him flinch.

The noises downstairs grew with each step of his, so did his fear. His heart was beating against his tiny chest as he made his way to the first floor.

"What had they ever done!?" Screamed Hoseok "Crossed this darned land of yours!?"

His brother stood in the centre of the lobby, eyes filled with rage.

"Hoseok, honey listen to me-" His mother tried to reason with him but he pushed her away, earning a growl from his father.

"No, how about you listen to me" He heaved, eyes turning red "You think you did something by taking me in, huh?"

Jeongguk's form shivered in fear as he stood at the end of the staircase; his brother had never raised his voice in front of his parents.

No one seemed to notice his presence and he was glad.

"Hoseok, back to your room, right now" His father gritted out through his teeth "What you heard was a lie"

"Yes, a lie indeed" He chuckled bitterly "You should've killed me with them" He looked each of them in the eye, until they landed on Jeongguk "Because you have just brought hell upon yourselves"

With that, he slammed the front door open, running into the night.

Jeongguk watched as his father shifted, informing his Beta to gather men.

It was the last time he had ever seen Hoseok.



There's so much drama in this chapter, i mean, i tried hehe

Can't wait for Permission To Dance sbsbbsbsbsns

It's gonna be a bop i can smell it shsnsn

Anyhoo cuties, stay hydrated and safe

And idk if I'll be able to update next week or the next cuz of my exams so y'all have to be patient with meh

~ mish

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 - 𝑱𝑱𝑲 Where stories live. Discover now