35: 𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒕𝒉

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Soojin's mind went numb. Hoseok was the one who did that?

But, wasn't he there at the party? Wasn't he one of Jeongguk's men?

"What do you mean?" She whispered as he got even closer, their noses touching.

His breath indicated he had been smoking, but Soojin was too out of it to care about that.

"Don't you know, Luna?" He tilted his head, their lips almost brushing. Her gaze moved downwards before it darted towards his brown eyes, switching between his pupils.

And she saw hatred in them, she saw want in them, the need to be held, to be cherished, to be loved; the need to forget.

Such confusing emotions swirling all together, who was this man? Was he even sane?

"Whoever gets to crown you, is yours, as you are theirs" He leaned back, and she could finally breath again.

Was she this vulnerable? Did the Moon Goddess hate her this much?

"What do you want from me?" She spat, standing up.

"So many things, Soojin" His gaze darkened as they stood eye to eye "You'll find out soon, my Luna" He smirked sadistically.

"I'm not yours. I don't belong to anyone but myself"

Anger was getting the best of her but she knew she had to calm down. She was surprised that she wasn't restrained and what was even more peculiar that Hoseok seemed to have no problem with it.

"Oh, and I forgot" He looked like the Cheshire Cat, a mad grin on his face as he snapped his fingers, his gaze not on her anymore.

Instead, his eyes were watching the door at the end of the room with anticipation.

Soojin braced herself, clenching her fists as she inhaled, her breathing irregular.

She froze once she saw who had entered the room, her eyes widening as her lip trembled.

The girl looked at her before looking away, her face cold but her eyes were filled to the brim with regret.

Soojin's gaze followed her, until she stood right beside him.

What was she doing here?

"Jieun?" She barely managed to whisper as her throat went dry, her trembling finger pointing at her best friend.

"Ah, I see you already know eachother" Hoseok beamed "This is my mate"

Soojin could not think straight. What the hell was this man on about?

"Ji, what the fuck is he saying?" She whimpered.

"My mate here helped me find you, such a good friend, isn't she?" He caressed her hair as she flinched, before grabbing her hair and twisting her neck.

Jieun looked into Soojin's eyes as a tear went down her cheek.

"I'm sorry" She croaked as he pulled tighter.

"Let her go!" She screamed and his grip loosened as Jieun fell.

"As you wish, my Luna" He smiled.

Soojin couldn't stand this man.

She lunged forward, grabbing him by the neck and slamming him against the wall.

"Soojin, no" Jieun whispered weakly.

Hoseok's grin widened as Soojin suddenly let go, her hand stinging where it touched him.

She screamed as the pain intensified.

Tears left her eyes, as she struggled to stand, the pain spreading.

"Be careful, my Luna" He crouched down to her trembling form, smiling "I'm not weak, and I suggest you keep your fists to yourself"

He stood up, dusting himself off before leaving the room.

The light in the centre flickered, and as soon as Hoseok disappeared, Jieun ran towards Soojin, helping her up.

"You're gonna heal in a while" She cradled her hand "Since the contact lasted only for a minute, there isn't much damage"

Soojin's eyes searched Jieun's face, eyes filled with tears. What was she talking about? Was Hoseok so strong that touching him would harm her?

"Was he lying?" She whispered, and Jieun froze, gently placing her hand back on her lap.

"Was he lying, Jieun!?" She gritted out through her teeth, tears running down her face, her eyes red.

Jieun shuddered before nodding and a sob escaped Soojin's lips.

"He's my mate, Soojin. I did everything in my power to deny him but" She wiped her face with trembling hands "I just couldn't, you know how it is, you have a mate"

"And he's going to die because of you, Jieun!" She screamed "We were sisters, Ji. What did I ever do to you? What the fuck does he want from us!?" Soojin couldn't stop shaking.

Her headache had worsened, and her eyes were swollen.

"What I did could never be forgiven, but I'm going to help you out of here, I promise"

Soojin couldn't comprehend whatever she said next, and her eyes closed as she embraced sleep.


Jeongguk and the rest had searched all of the woods, and were now making their way to the manor he had grown up in.

The path made him nostalgic despite the situation they were currently in, and brought back bittersweet memories.

The hours he and Hoseok had spent playing in the very woods he was driving past, or how these trees had the sweetest mulberries, their scent taking over his nose and he smiled a little.

Wasn't it peculiar that whatever was forgotten, was always remembered by scents and places? Even if our mind chose to push a certain memory at the very end, a certain smell had the power to bring it back?

He had wanted to bring Soojin here; once he found her, he definitely would.

Having a mate wasn't sunshine and rainbows like he had thought. It wasn't that Soojin wasn't a good mate, she was beyond perfect, it was just that even in the small amount of time they had been together, he had lost her twice.

Hadn't he promised Yoongi he'd keep her safe? That he wouldn't hurt her?

Often when we make promises, we forget the weight that our words carry. We forget that, when in the future, if we try breaking those very promises, our words stand in the way, questioning our actions. Some people simply push them aside and break the promise, while others turn back.

Which one was he?

He could never forget how Soojin broke in front of him hours ago.

If he could just go back in time and change everything, if he could hold her and tell her how much he loves her, and how much she means to him and how he shouldn't have kept things from her-

Jeongguk's thoughts were interrupted as the car came to an abrupt halt, making him jolt.

He recognised his surroundings immediately, his men walking forwards for protection.

It was time to get Soojin back.









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𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 - 𝑱𝑱𝑲 Where stories live. Discover now