5: 𝑴𝒂𝒇𝒊𝒂

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Jeongguk circled the man tied in the chair with slow strides, making sure that he trembled with every step.

His eyes glowed red, his canines threatening to come out.

"We've been here for five hours" he came to a halt. The tied man had peed himself, the stench of urine irritating him.

He was injured; wounds decorated almost all of his body. It was a miracle that he was even alive at this stage.

"You either play nice" he grinned, his eyes filled with rage "Or I tear you apart, limb by limb and make you eat your own intestines" He bared his canines.

The man fainted and Jeongguk snorted.

"I hadn't even started yet"

He turned around to leave, assigning two men to watch over the intruder.

Jimin stood just outside the underground cell, waiting for his Alpha.

"The Kims are here" he began, walking with Jeongguk, keeping up with his long strides.

"Alright, lead me there" Jeongguk raised a brow and Jimin wasted no time in rushing towards the office upstairs.

Jeongguk entered the office, spotting his hyungs.

"Ah, Jeongguk" Jin started, patting Jeongguk on his back "We came with news, my brother"

"All good news, I hope"Jeongguk smiled, uncertain.

"Mostly" Namjoon fixed his glasses, hands clasped behind his back.

"So, you do know that your mate is human, right?" Jin questioned.

"Of course I know" Jeongguk rolled his eyes "If she wasn't, we would have already mated and there would be a pup on it's way"

"Woah, easy there wolf boy" Jin laughed
"Don't get too excited" he winked.

"Back to the matter at hand" Namjoon cleared his throat "Remember we read your Destiny yesterday?"

"Yeah, and what about it?" His wolf was clawing at him; he wanted see his mate.

They had met this morning at the same place, but he had to cut their date short because of a fucking intruder.

"We all know about the moon and it's phases; the shortest lasts 13 days while the longest lasts 15 days" Jin stated, taking a seat at the desk.

"However, the riddle talks about 14 days, and you know when that'll occur?" Namjoon walked towards the youngest, hands in his pockets.

Jeongguk shook his head; he was never good at this shit anyway.

"Well we snooped around a bit, and did our research." Jin stated, pouring himself a glass of wine "Human mates are unable to fully recognise their other half until they turn 20; which is considered of age"

"And upon further research" Namjoon snatched Jin's wine glass, putting it away "We got to know that Soojin is still 19"

"How'd you know that?" Jeongguk raised his eyebrows, impressed. And a little jealous, that men beside him knew so much about his precious mate.

"Well, I stalked her on social media" Jin smirked "She had posted about her birthday; pictures and stuff so I looked into it and got to know the exact date"

"Yeah and according to my calculations, her birthday falls on the same day that the moon will complete it's cycle" Namjoon stated.

"So that's what it means? 14 moons?" Jeongguk inquired, scratching his head.

The men nodded.

But Jeongguk hadn't understood shit.


Soojin rang the doorbell for the fifth time. Had her best friend died?

A very sleepy Jieun opened the door, eyes widening upon seeing her.

"You traitor!" She shouted, pulling her inside. "Why didn't you show up yesterday?" She pouted.

Oh god this kid.

"I was on a date-"

Oops. She had made a terrible mistake.

All sleep seemed to have left Jieun's eyes and she clapped excitedly.

"OH GOD WHO IS IT!? IS HE HOT?? OH GOD, WHAT DOES HE LOOK LIKE? IS HE TALL-" Jieun blabbered until she was interrupted by Soojin.

"Ji, we have only met twice, and yeah, he's handsome" She smiled shyly.

"Is that why you didn't come over yesterday?" She pouted, arms crossed.

"I was about to, I swear, but all of a sudden, I felt as if all of my energy had drained" She sighed. And it was the truth.

Since a few days, Soojin felt her body give up at the most random of times. And that too for no reason at all.

"Oh god, you should see a doctor" Jieun frowned, worried for her best friend.

"It's probably nothing, Ji. If it gets worse, I promise I'll go okay?" She smiled.

"Fine, now tell me about this Mr. Hotness" She giggled.

Soojin told her all about her supposed "first date" and all that she knew about Jeongguk.

"We met this morning too" She smiled "But he had to leave early"

"I swear to god if this ass breaks your heart I'll kill him" Jieun stated with a straight face.

"He won't, Ji. And we aren't even official yet so calm your tits" She rolled her eyes.

Just then her phone rang, startling her.

She picked it up with the biggest smile.

"Hello, Yoongi"



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