37: 𝑫𝒐𝒘𝒏

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Moonlight streamed in through the single window present in the room, highlighting Soojin's figure that was sprawled on the damp ground.

She shifted, sweat rolling down her forehead, eyes fluttering open with a gasp.

She clutched at her shirt, gasping for breath as her drenched form shivered, her eyes studying her surroundings.

She'd give up the world to be in his arms right now, safe and sound.

She heard a snap behind her, a familiar form making her squint her eyes in disbelief.

She stood up, staggering, walking towards him slowly.


Her voice was a faint whisper.

The figure stopped in the centre of the room upon hearing her strained voice.

His figure almost loomed, in a way that made her doubt if it even was him.

However, desperation and the urge to see him again overtook her mind, dissolving all her doubts.

She walked towards him, tears prickling at her eyes, lips parted in disbelief.

And he turned around, eyes shallow, looking into her petrified ones.

He opened his arms, as if urging her to walk into his embrace.

Her eyes glazed over and she almost lunged forward, fingers grabbing at his leather jacket.

All she was met with was the cold, damp floor, colliding with her chest as she fell.

She let out a soft whimper, raising her form with the help of her bruised palms.

A pair of feet came into her view and although blurry, she could perfectly recognise who it was.

Her eyes travelled up his form, landing at his face as he looked down at her, hands stuffed in his pockets.

"Soojin" He whispered and that was all it took to get her back on her feet, chest heaving.

And when she did, he had once again disappeared.

She whirled around, eyes darting in all directions, sweat covering her aching body, until the hair on her nape stood, warm breath hitting her neck.

She closed her eyes, a whimper escaping her chapped lips.

It's not him, Soojin

She told herself over and over.

And the breath disappeared.

She lowered herself to the ground, and it felt as if she could not breathe anymore.

Her mind was filled with his voice, his touches, his smile, his laughter; and she was consumed by it all.

Never had she thought she could miss someone with an intensity that left a gaping hole in her chest, that ached and throbbed with every breath she took.

As her tears continued to fall, her broken form shuddering, gasping with each breath she let out, only one thought remained inside her head;

Save me


"I can hear her" The wind was knocked out of him once Jeongguk heard her voice, the desperation in it evident. His own was a feeble whisper, surprise coating his words.

It was as if all her pain could be felt through those two words, and his heart ached.

Ached that he was not there, beside her, ached that he had let this happen, ached that he had no power to save her from her misery.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑩𝒊𝒈 𝑩𝒂𝒅 𝑾𝒐𝒍𝒇 - 𝑱𝑱𝑲 Where stories live. Discover now