The Aftermath of Carlac

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Soooo... Luxsoka shippers be warned. Lux is shown in a bad light lol. I know I already did one like this a while back with a comic I found, but I wanted to do another.

Also I feel like my actual author skills are lacking rn so don't judge if this is kinda trash

Enjoy none the less :)

R2, ever faithful, piloted the ship back for her. At this point she was so dead tired (and injured but she didn't want to admit that yet) that she was content to just lean back in the pilot's chair for the rest of the ride. The droid gave her occasional updates, warbling beeps and clicks to let her know how far they were from the Resolute. At the ten minute mark Ahsoka started worrying. Her master would be furious, not knowing what had happened. She expected mild annoyance, then an "I'm glad you made it back alive", then the anger. If she was lucky it wouldn't last long, but it didn't help ease her anxieties. Anakin was known for his ire after all, at least among those close to him.

At the five minute mark she began assessing her injuries. She was still coated in a thin layer of ice and snow, having lost her parka before she was oh-so-gracefully dragged across the snowy desert. The cables used to drag her weren't pleasant either, bruising if not breaking a couple ribs, accompanied by deep, red, gashes across her wrists and torso. No wonder she didn't want to move, everything hurt too badly.

She didn't realize they had landed until the sound of the landing gear and doors opening echoed through the ship.

"Ahsoka!" She heard Anakin yell, half annoyed, half relieved. She forced herself to move, standing up from the pilot's chair with a wince. Anakin had come practically barreling in after seeing her beaten and bruised. "Kriff kid, you're freezing. C'mon, let's get you warm," He soothed after catching sight of her still purple lips and grabbing her arm where it was seemingly not covered in blood. "Where are you injured?" Any previous annoyance was snuffed out within seconds of seeing his Padawan.

"Ribs and arms," She answered, unwilling to talk more than needed.

He nodded. "Let's get you down to medical." You could hear his words were laced in concern despite his attempts at putting on a strong exterior. He positioned his hands around her back and arms in the hopes he could guide her. Ahsoka moved slowly, barely keeping up with Anakin's already shortened strides. He shifted his hand only slightly higher up on her back when a gasp of pain could be heard. He moved his hand back. "Sorry, sorry."

"'S okay," She mumbled. They barely exited the ship before Ahsoka felt too wobbly on her feet to continue. She stopped abruptly, causing Anakin's worry to spike through their bond. "Tired."

"Okay, here," He sat her down on the ship's ramp. "Wanna wait for Kix to come or can I carry you?"

Ahsoka thought for a moment. "You can carry me," She answered, somewhat embarrassed at the thought but really too tired to care. Nodding, Anakin gently wrapped his arms around her, one under her back, trying to avoid the tears in her dress where he knew there'd be injuries, and one under her knees. With only slight complaints, he was able to carry her the few minutes to the medbay where Kix was most certainly unprepared to deal with an injured, potentially hypothermic Padawan. Hopping up from his place on the floor he left his caf halfheartedly on the edge of a crash cart and rushed to prepare a bed.

"Sir, what happened?"

"Couldn't tell you, all she's been able to tell me was she was injured, ribs and arms I think." Anakin set her down on a bed, Ahsoka still determined to sit upright out of fear for how much pain she'd be in if she laid down. "Can you tell me what happened?" He asked Ahsoka.

She shook her head, too tired to try. "Later."

However impatient he may have been, Anakin only sat down next to her while Kix tended to her injuries. She stayed upright despite her eyes drooping and her ever present desire for sleep, knowing exactly what the dangers of falling asleep with hypothermia are, especially for a Togruta, a high temperature species.

A few bacta patches and stiches later, Ahsoka was finally told she could sleep. Anakin helped her lay down, not risking trying to make it back to their quarters, making certain she was positioned so her bandaged ribs wouldn't hurt too much for her to sleep.

Anakin didn't even need a sleep suggestion for her to practically pass out.


When Ahsoka woke, she was relieved to see that it wasn't in a tent, freezing cold, but in a hospital bed next to Anakin's figure slumped in a chair next to her bed. Prodding their bond she tried to wake him up. A few moments later his eyes fluttered open to greet hers, his smile soon being replaced by a concerned frown. "Ready to tell me what happened?"

"You could have asked R2, but sure," Ahsoka joked. Shifting her weight onto her left side so she could face her master, she continued. "Lux decided that he wanted to join the death watch."


So this was meant to be the physical side of things, but I'm hoping to continue this and do a part two about the more mental aspect.

If you enjoyed, feel free to leave a happy comment or a vote, they make my day <3 (As long as they aren't chain comments or absolute spam comments *jokingly squints at a certain user*)

Have a good day/night/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


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