Unlikely Friendship

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I had this one request that's been really eating at me with Mace and Ahsoka, I'm having such a hard time writing it, and I really wish I could but rn all I've got for y'all is this more sweet fic with the two of them. Idk what their dynamic is but I mean, I don't mind it

Ahsokafan45, this is what I'm giving you for the short term until I can get my osik together and write your actual request (which was really good, I just can't write it for some reason haha)

Enjoy :)

Nightmares aren't the worst, she supposed.

She could have night terrors, or phobias, or insomnia. Many things could be worse than nightmares. But right now, anything felt better than this.

The dream was crystal clear, and it still flowed through every portion of her mind; images she wished never existed now existed inside her. Ahsoka crawled out of bed and through her quarters with Anakin as she silently thanked the force he was a heavy sleeper (for the most part). It was chilly that night, especially for someone wearing shorts and a t-shirt, but she managed to grab a flannel slung over the arm of the sofa as she made her way outside.

Ahsoka loved the gardens. She always had. Maybe it was how peaceful they were, maybe how large, maybe she just straight up liked plants. Either way, she rarely ever saw it at night like she did tonight.

Some sort of lightening bug hovered around a bush, flickering as she walked by- and almost knocking into someone. "Padawan Tano," A low voice spoke, not angry or condescending. Curious. Concerned. Maybe a little of both, she didn't know.

Ahsoka raised her head and threw her shoulders back as she spoke. "Master Windu," She started, not quite sure how she was going to finish. Luckily he spoke for her.

"What are you doing awake?"

The girl chewed on her lip. She wasn't about to lie to a council member who could very clearly tell if she were to lie. "Nightmares." Windu nodded solemnly and turned back around, waiting for her to follow. They walked in silence, only stopping to admire one plant on the way. Ahsoka didn't particularly realize she was talking until the question had left her mouth. "What about you?"

He raised an eyebrow slightly at her boldness on the matter, but said nothing. "Nightmares as well."

Ahsoka wasn't about to push her luck and say anymore. They continued down the path until she found a lightening bug- and promptly caught it in her hands. For a moment she forgot Master Windu was beside her as she sat on the ground, giggling at the small creature spreading it's wings and flashing within her hand. It didn't fly away, curiously enough, only exploring every crease in her palm and crawling to each fingertip.

Windu would have forgotten Ahsoka was beside him, too, if it weren't for her catching the bug. She didn't seem to notice him behind her still. The man couldn't help but smile; she reminded him of young Depa, always so curious as a youngling. It seemed to go away with age, however, something he hadn't been disappointed in until he watched Ahsoka act like a youngling would, at nearly sixteen years old.

He crouched beside her, catching the girl's attention at last. Ahsoka would have looked somewhat ashamed, or embarrassed, had it not been for the gentle look on his face. He smiled, catching another glowing bug in his palm. It didn't fly away either- instead crawling over his fingertip and fluttering into Ahsoka's hand. He tipped his head in amusement. "I was never one for animals."

She smiled. "Master Kenobi says my strengthened connection to the light side of the force connects me to nature more easily," She added, offhandedly referencing that force-forsaken planet that felt like nothing more than a a fever dream. As a council member and a friend of Obi-Wan's, Mace had heard the story. It was none too pleasant for her, he realized. She must have remembered something too, within that sentence. Her face went hard and the bugs flew out of her hand almost instantly. She dropped her arm but made no move to stand.

He examined her force signature. Hazy, stormy, overflowing with conflict. "What is it?"

Ahsoka hesitated, and when she didn't move, Mace sat next to her. Clearly her own master wasn't here to listen. He could be the girl's master, just this once. "My nightmares, they're in them. The Son and the Daughter."

He knew who 'they' were. She didn't have to tell him. "It's not like normal nightmares, where the people are kind of fuzzy, and not real. They feel so... Physical. Like when Master Skywalker and I talk through our bond. It's like they're really in my head, and I don't like it."

Mace thought back to both the report and what Obi-Wan had told him. Ahsoka had been saved by the daughter, explaining why she was a part of this, and she had also been possessed by the son. Both had been in her head and apparently weren't leaving. "Is this the first nightmare you've had with them?" Hesitantly, she shook her head no. "How often have you had these nightmares?"

Ahsoka didn't have to think hard. "Since we got back. From Mortis."

Mace counted in his head. They'd been back... Nearly a week now. "That long?" She nodded.

"I'll get over it, I'm sure. It's just really unpleasant right now."

He nodded slowly, turning it over in his own mind, debating how to respond. Someone of her age and skill level had already tried meditating them away, he was sure. What else could he tell her? Suck it up? Wait for them to go away? He could be harsh sometimes, yes, but he wasn't about to ignore this girl's obvious struggles. "Might I suggest speaking to Master Yoda about this?"

"I was hoping I wouldn't have to. That they'd just go away on their own."

Windu ushered her to a standing position, holding out a hand to help her up, and continuing to walk through the darkened gardens. "However much it may feel like it, you don't have to suffer in silence. I know the feeling of wanting to pretend like nothing's wrong, just so no one will worry, or fuss over you. Really, I do." He turned to look at her. "But that's not always- or often- the best course of action."

Ahsoka seemed to ponder over it, thinking about her options. "I understand."

"Will you talk to someone then?"

She nodded with a soft smile. "Tomorrow." The next hour was spent like that, wandering the gardens, catching bugs and observing animals, mostly in silence. If anyone ever found out that she had talked to Mace Windu about her problems, and that he had actually been compassionate about it, she'd deny it. This was something that she likely wouldn't tell anyone about. Maybe Master Kenobi. He'd understand.

Either way, once the sun began peeking it's way over the horizon, Master Windu walked Ahsoka back to her quarters to hopefully catch a couple hours of sleep. They never really talked about that night, acting as if it hadn't happened. Maybe it hadn't and Ahsoka was just having another weird dream. But she couldn't ignore his hint of a smile she saw on him when exiting Master Yoda's quarters the next morning.

Hope you enjoyed!

Have a good day/night/whatever and I'll see you when I see you :)


I have a fic up (that I posted nony, but is, in fact, me 😂) that's a rewrite of this, if you'd like to check that out using this link (because apparently wattpad doesn't like inserting links)


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