Just Kidding The Story Continues

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Lauren Morningstar. Daughter to the devil himself.

What do you want?

I want information. And I think you know exactly what I mean.

I'm afraid you're going to need to be a bit clearer than that.

Lets start by going back a year ago.

You mean, to the-

The explosion at the drug warehouse? No. Lets go to just after that.

Oh. That.

Yes, that. I am sure you recall the event I am referring to? Lets start there.

Right well I guess I may as well. You can't do anything about it now. Let's begin.


Lauren's POV

I stepped through the elevator doors to breathe in the familiar scent of bourbon and cologne but with a hint of alcohol cleaning products.

"Aw, did you clean this place up for me?" I placed a hand on my chest to emphasize my sarcasm.

"Ha. You wish. I just decided the place needed a tidy that's all." Lucifer's denial was ruined by the obvious grin on his face and I knew he was glad to have me back.

"Right. Well what do you say we make up a bed and I get to sleep for the next millennia." I gave short laugh. "Maybe then I could go a while without dying or nearly being killed every two seconds." Of course I was only half joking.

Lucifer came up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Sounds good to me." He said. "Although then you would miss out on all the future fun you could have with a certain dark haired new friend of yours." My cheeks went hot and I rolled my eyes to shrug off the embarrassment. 

"Okay whatever." I dropped the bag Lucifer had gotten me to use for the hospital at the foot of the couch. "So, what now?"

"What now?"

"I mean, what do we do. This is probably the first time that there is nothing to do. No one is in perilous danger, no one has murderous intent, so what now?" Lucifer's phone pinged after my words and me slipped it out of his pocket to read the text.

"Ah, think again. There's been a murder so I need to go to work." He looks up at me. "Do you want to come or stay?" 

I thought about it for a moment. "Stay. I'll unpack my bag and sort out something better than a temporary bed on the couch. Maybe in a different room so you can have your back." Lucifer nods, obviously in a rush, and grabs his coat from on top of the piano where he had discarded it, and towards the elevator.

The doors closed on his face and Lauren let out a breath. 'What now?' I thought.   

I waited till Lucifer was out of the elevator then used it to get to the floor below me. It was weird to think how long I had been here yet still hadn't discovered half the rooms in the tall building. But really all I was interested in was a private room that I could call my own. It had been a long time since I had had my own room, the last time probably being when I lived with my mum. 

But I didn't want to think of that now. At the moment, I just wanted to look around.

"Hello my dear." The familiar American accent made me swing round in both terror and anger. Michael stood before me, his hands shoved into his pockets with his shoulders hunched over. He was wearing a purple turtleneck and grey pantsuit. Across his face was an ugly scar the ran diagonally down his nose and under his eye. 

"Michael. I wish I could say it was nice to see you again. Except that it's not." I tried to move past him but he put his arm out preventing me. I grabbed his wrist and pulled it away from him, swinging my other fist towards his face which he caught expertly. I used his grip to lean back and take him with me, lifting my leg to kick him square in the chest. He let go and I tried to bring another punch to connect with his jaw but he swiped it away. 

"Lauren!" I didn't give him any more time to say another word and grabbed his arms, using my leg to swipe his from underneath him, he landed on the floor and quickly jumped back onto his feet, anger boiling in his eyes. He advanced on me, ridden with Fury and no matter how hard I tried to land a single hit, punch, or kick, to him, he merely pushed it off like it was nothing. I instinctively continued to step backwards till I hit a wall. Getting desperate, I lifted my hand to thump his chest but he caught it, and my other hand, bringing them to the wall and holding me still. "Right. I didn't want to do it this way but you left me no choice." I spat in his face, his thick accent bringing back the memories of my last encounter with him. 

"Rot in hell crap face!" I kicked my leg up into a place where it would matter, and Michael let me go, curling in on himself in pain. 

"Damn you really are like your father aren't you." I took the opportunity to deliver another kick to his face while it was there and he fell backwards onto his back. 

"You shouldn't have come Michael. You should've known I was smarter than you." I left him there, teleporting back into the penthouse where I looked out of the terrace window towards the street below. Why was Michael here? I knew he wanted something I just didn't know what.

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