Back From Hell (Again)

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Lauren's POV

What had I done. As soon as the blade was in his stomach, I snapped out of my rage and stared at my handwork. The wound was polluted with some kind of black liquid which was pouring into the cut from my hand, and down the blade. I pulled it out instantly, watching the last of the sludge trickle into the cut. Blood poured out of the wound and I dropped the knife, choking on a sob as Lucifer collapsed to the floor. I desperately tried to stop the bleeding and started running out of breath from choking on regret.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Lucifer please. I'm sorry." He smiled at me, trying his best not to show pain on his face. But for the first time in forever, be looked me in the eye and I could see his emotions. "Please. You'll be okay. Ah this is all my fault I'm sorry." Lucifer coughed up blood and it stained his lips and dribbled down his cheek. He raised a blood painted hand to my face and grazed my cheek. "I'm sorry." The words came out at a low volume and half of it was too croaky to understand. The swish of wind behind me made me turn around and my eyes connected to Ammenadiel.

"I didn't mean to. I'm sorry." But his grave face told me his next actions before he moved. He strode towards me and grabbed my arm, tearing me away from the bleeding mess on the floor. "No! Please. I can't leave him. I'm sorry Lucifer. Please! No! Dad!" Ammenadiel continued to pull me away and wrapped his arms around me, lifting me into the air with his wings. "No! Please! Let me go! Dad I'm sorry!"


Lucifer's POV

Three months later and I still hadn't forgiven Ammenadiel or Michael. My twin had disappeared back to father once his work was done but Ammenadiel stayed behind. I didn't speak to him. He took my daughter away from me. I didn't care that she nearly killed me. I would have died if Mazikeen hadn't regained consciousness and saved me. But I couldn't get the events of that day out of my head. She called me Dad. Despite everything that was happening, a sense of peace and happiness had flooded through me when that name came out of her mouth. She had looked so broken when she snapped out of her rage. All I wanted was to get her back. She didn't deserve to be down there.

Multiple times, Chloe had asked me if I was going back to work . Each time she asked, the answer was always the same. 'I don't know'. What else was I supposed to say? On one hand, work would be a good distraction from the fact that every time I tried to get Lauren back, Ammenadiel was always there to stop me. But how could I relax into work and get used to the new normal, when my own daughter was suffering the hell I lived for millennia. I was caught in my sad moment when my phone rang.

"Lucifer I need you to come down to the station."

"I told you detective, I'm not going back to work yet."

"It might have to do with Lauren." What? That made my mind up the second her name left the detective's mouth.

"I'll be there as soon as I can."


I got to the station and basically ran inside, looking everywhere for Chloe. Dan waved me over and I followed him.

"I overheard Chloe saying this had to do with Lauren. I thought she moved to Australia with your other brother." That was the elaborate lie my idiot brother had come up with to explain Lauren's sudden disappearance.

"I'm not sure but I'm about to find out." Dan lead me to a meeting room and left when Chloe asked for privacy.

"What is this about detective?" She was standing by the center table which was covered with bloody crime scene photos.

"These are every crime scene we have had within the last three months. Notice anything?" I walked round and had a look at the images. Something was missing.

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