Grand Theft Auto

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"Hey, it's been a while." I looked behind me to see Layla walk up to the park bench I was sitting on.

"Yeah, glad you were free."

"So what did you want to tell me?" She sat down and searched my face with eyes full of concern.

"Well I was talking with my dad, and we got onto the subject of how angels self-actualize and can control their immortality and whether or not they can use their abilities." I looked at her, trying to find any clue that she was picking up what I was laying down. "And he mentioned how he thought that I might be able to do the same because I'm half, whatever it is that I am." 

Layla leaned back, eyes wide, taking in the information. "Right. Immortality... And do you want to? Become immortal?"

"I don't know. I mean, it would be incredibly helpful, with all the dangerous stuff I keep doing, and it would mean I could have full access to my powers, without tiring out, without hesitation, but..."

"But?" She encouraged me to go on.

"But it would mean that I wouldn't be able to do anything a normal person could do. Life wouldn't really have a meaning anymore, would it." Layla rested her chin on her hands, leaning her elbows on her knees. "I wanted to know what you thought about this."

"Well,  I mean it's not exactly my choice what you decide to do."

"I mean, it kind of is. You are important to me and this impacts you as well."

"Are you really thinking about it? You would be giving up the closest thing you could have to a normal life. Is that really what you want?" I looked at her, not sure what to say. I didn't know what I wanted. 

"I-, I don't know. This might not even be a possibility. But the fact that I could have a choice, I don't know what to do." Something flickered in Layla's face and I saw hurt shadow her expression. Hurt and uncertainty. She was probably worried that I wanted to become immortal which would leave her behind.

"Well, when you figure it out, let me know." She cast her eyes down, and before I could say another word, she got up and walked off. I was left alone and confused. Had I said something wrong? I had just tried to be honest.

"Layla wait." I stood up. There was no way I was going to leave this conversation with an argument. It worked, and Layla stopped walking to turn around and face me. "This is a big revelation to me. I'm not entirely sure how to process it. But I want you to know that whatever I decide, you would have been a major factor to sway my decision. And don't worry, I'm not going to go anywhere anytime soon. I'm still here and I'm still with you."

Layla smiled and walked back to me. "Good. Because I'm with you too." She pulled me closer and grabbed my hand to shake it.


Wait, shake hands? I'm confused.

You didn't want all the gory details so I'm making it PG for your childish brain.

Oi, watch your attitude. Can we just get a move on with the story. It's exhaustingly long.

Well if you like, I can make it longer, or you could let me go and save yourself the pain.

Just keep talking. I'll get my answers one way or another.


When I got back to Lux, the place was dead. No customers danced or drank. Lucifer was sitting at the piano with a drink, not playing anything on the ivory keys.

"Well you look depressed." Lucifer looks up at my words and I immediately see the distress and hardship in his face. "Are you okay?" He turns back around, sculling the rest of his drink before getting up and heading to the bar. 

Lucifer's weakness (Lucifer's Daughter fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now