The Deciding Battle

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Lauren's POV

I felt a dampness of my back. I must be lying on grass or something. An immense pain in my side brought me to open my eyes. Crouching next to me was Lucifer. He was stitching up what looked like a bullet wound in my stomach.

"You really should be more careful you know." Hang on. I freaked out at hearing him with an American accent and tried to sit up but was met with a wall of agony smashing straight into me. My face paled and I was gently pushed back onto the ground. He looked at me for a split second and I saw. I'm not sure what it was but it was different. This wasn't Lucifer.

"Who are you?"


"You look like-"

"Lucifer? Yes I get that a lot." At my confusion, he elaborates. "He's my twin." Right. I didn't know he had a twin? After trying to sit up once more, he puts a hand on my shoulder and keeps me still. "Stop moving. You were shot. I am trying to help you."

"Why?" He hesitated. Probably unsure whether he should tell me or not.

"Because I want to. You have been treated unfairly for so long Lauren. I would like to do something for my niece." Right. He was my uncle. That started to sink in.

"What do you mean unfairly? Everything been fine at the moment. Well except for..."

"Your little episodes? Yes I know about those. Do you know why they are happening?" Well I have my theories, but...


"I do." What? My look of confusion encouraged him. "It's from your abilities being pent up. You aren't getting to use them because my idiot brother thinks his privacy is more important."

"This is Lucifer's fault?" He nodded.

"To be honest, I think he knew." Knew? "I think Lucifer knew that if he subdue your powers, you would eventually lose control."

"But why would he want that?"

"Because if you lose control, a certain someone will send you to hell." Amenadiel. "My brother escaped hell for a reason. And if you are the only other heir, you can take his place so he can roam free here." What? He wouldn't do that. Would he?

"But he said..." The tears were beginning to appear

"I know it must be hard to believe. He's always been good at manipulating people." I thought he didn't lie? Or was that a lie too? Registering the news, I forbade the tears to fall. I was not going to cry over this. I was foolish enough to fall for his shit, but I can guarantee that it won't happen again. Trust me.

"So what do we do?"

"There's only one thing we can do. When something doesn't work, you get rid of the problem. The problem being Lucifer. If he goes back to hell, you won't have to hold in who you truly are. You can accept it and be okay."

"Will I stop killing people?" He nods. "Okay. I'll do it."


I was still a little uneasy about doing this. Sending Lucifer back to hell? Even I didn't want that for him. But I guess it was for the best. It was where he was meant to be. And if I didn't do this, I would be the one going to hell. And that was the last place I wanted to be.

Over the next few days, I stayed with Michael. I trusted him. He seemed honest, although he never truly looked at me long enough for me to read his emotions. Lucifer apparently went back to work soon and the Detective and him set out searching for me. I teleported into the precinct one afternoon and everything seemed normal. Except Lucifer. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. bags hung under his eyes and his hair didn't look like it had seen a hairbrush in decades. 

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