Car Crash

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I had walked a couple of blocks towards home before a car pulled up beside me.

"Need a ride?" Lucifer asked. I wordlessly got in and buckled in my seatbelt. "Did you want to talk?"

"Not particularly." We stayed in silence in the still car for about 90 seconds. "You know, he's the one who wanted us to be at that dinner. The least he could do was communicate with us, just a little bit." Lucifer smiled at my lack of being able to stay silent for a whole moment. "Why did we even bother going? And did you see Michael? Patronizing git." I turn to face him. He looked kind of, sad. I was getting better at reading emotions and no longer had to have them look straight into my eyes to tell what they were feeling.

"Laauren." He dragged my name out in an annoyed tone that told me he knew what I had been doing so I turn my head away and slump into my seat.

"Sorry. I know, don't read emotions." Lucifer sighed and hung his head to the steering wheel. 

"No. We aren't going to do this again. I'm sorry." Wow. He really was sorry. "Let's just, go home and sleep this whole day off." He pulled away from the curb and towards Lux. The steady rain beat against the windscreen and even with the window wipers on full, it was still almost impossible to see 10 meters ahead.

"So what now? Did you sort things over with your dad?" 

"No. But I did get an answer to my question."


"Lets just say we shouldn't worry too much about it. His opinion couldn't be clearer." He leaves it at that and we sit in silence. 

"Shouldn't we wait for the rain to stop?" I wasn't going to lie, the beating rain made me a bit anxious as the visibility ahead of us was very limited.

"Why?" He turned to me with a grin. "Do you doubt my driving?" A flash of light zooms into vision, matched with a loud airhorn of a truck. 

"Dad watch out!" I grab his arm in fright and before we hit impact with the truck, my instincts zip us out of there and we teleport to the sidewalk next to the car as the they both hit impact, the freight truck tearing through Dad's little car as though it were made of paper. Shrapnel flies everywhere and I cower over, throwing my arms over my face and head to protect myself from the rogue pieces of metal and glass. Nothing hits me and I look up to see Dad had thrown his wings up and over the both of us, protecting me from harm. 

He looks down at me in concern, holding my shoulders as I begin to feel weak and dizzy from the jump.

"Are you okay?" I nod, despite the overwhelming dizziness I felt. Turns out jumping two teenagers and a child was a lot easier than teleporting a grown adult, a celestial nonetheless. The adrenaline had gotten me there quickly but Lucifer's being was filled with divine power and I had just shifted it five meters to the left. Now that the adrenaline rush was gone, I felt completely drained.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just...dizzy is all."  I try to take a step forward and nearly trip and fall of my face. Lucifer reaches out to aid me and I lean against him till the dizziness passes.

"Are you crazy?" We look up to see a very concerned and pissed off truck driver, stomping towards us in fury. "I could have killed you if you didn't jump out! And look at the damage to my truck!" He folds his huge arms across his chest, face turning red.

"Damage to your truck?! Your truck! Look at my car!" Lucifer lets go of me to step towards the driver. " And it was you that crashed into me!"

"You were the one on the wrong side of the road buddy. Learn to drive or don't fucking drive at all." Lucifer didn't like that.

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