Like a Good Boy

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Can't we just get to the part where you destroy everything?

Hey, you're the one who wanted to know the full story

I'm starting to regret that now

Look, if you want to understand why it happened, you gotta know this part

Fine. God this is exhausting


Layla's blank face stared back at me. After everything I just told her, how could she not react?

"Well?" I asked. "Aren't you going to say anything?"

"What do you want me to say, Laurent?" 

"I don't know. Anything!" Her expressionless face couldn't hide the guilt and fear in her eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Right, why didn't I tell you that the homicidal maniac that nearly killed us was my dad. Use your brain. I didn't want you to think I was like him because I'm not." Her eyes hit the ground and her shoulders slumped.

"Did you know he was looking for you?" No answer, just another shift in her gaze. "Oh god. Please tell me you didn't know." Again, silence. "Fuck, Layla. He threatened my family because of you! You have to go back to him." 

Her face raced to look at me, terror coating her expression. "No! I can't. I don't want to be a criminal again."

"Does he hurt you?"

"Well... no."

"Does he threaten you?"

"No." she shuffled her feet.

"Then go. Run back to daddy." I felt betrayed. She purposefully kept this from me. She knew the consequences and she went with it anyway. It felt like I didn't know her anymore.

"Please Lauren, don't do this to me." She reached for my hand but I pulled away, suddenly inflamed with fury.

"Go! Before I hand you in myself." I couldn't look at her. If I did, I was scared at what I would see. My eyes slowly closed, tears threatening to spill over. I heard the shuffle of feet and when I opened my eyes, she was gone.

Lucifer called my name and I looked over to where he had somehow gotten a car. Time to go home I guess. 


Lucifer seemed to guess that something was wrong but he was smart enough to keep his trap shut. All I wanted to do was reach into my brain and turn off the switch for my emotions. Feeling nothing had to be better than feeling this. Betrayal, despair, hopelessness.

"I saw you with Layla." So much for keeping his mouth shut. "Want to talk about it?"

"Not really." 

"Well why don't we get ice-cream or something?"

"I just want to go home. It's been a big day." He nodded in understanding and kept driving in blissful silence. I looked out my window, watching the buildings go by in a blur. All of these people who had nothing to worry about other than what sales were on in their favorite clothing store and which celebrity's had a baby. Must be nice.

The car slammed to a stop and Lucifer looked out the front windscreen, face contorted with a mixture of shock and anger. I followed his eyes to where his mirror image stood infront, barely avoiding getting run over by the front of the car.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Lucifer muttered, undoing his seat belt and opening his door. I followed suit but stayed behind my open door.

"If it isn't my two favorite devils." Michael's mouth twisted into a grin, his hands stuffed inside his pockets.

"What do you want Michael?"

"Oh nothing much, just my darling little niece." He turned to me, tilting his head in a sinister way. 

"Absolutely fucking not," I reply, my eyes burning red. Lucifer put an arm up, telling me to back down, so I scowled at him before glaring back at Michael.

"You see, I've been doing some thinking, and I may have figured out what her problem is." His strong American accent made my skin crawl.

"She doesn't have a problem, and she isn't going anywhere with you. Now go run back to father like a good boy before I teach you a lesson myself." Lucifer took a menacing step forward and Michael matched him. 

"Oh see, that's the problem. I don't believe I was asking." Michael extended his midnight black wings. "She's coming with me, I have something I need her to do." 

Lucifer stalked forward, chuckling to himself as he dodged Michaels punch, throwing one of his own to his brother's nose. Michael reels back, holding his face in pain as Lucifer kicks him in the chest, propelling him backwards. 

Blood smears on his face as Michael wipes his nose, flapping his wings and lunges to Lucifer, Lucifer dodges again but notices too late that Michael wasn't aiming for him. I dive roll away from the car as Michael rips the door off the car. Before Lucifer can reach us, Michael grabs my shirt and throws me to Lucifer. I teleport behind Michael before I land but as if he anticipated that, I'm once again grabbed with a knife put to my throat. 

Lucifer halts in his step, fear hiding in his eyes. 

"Don't move Lucifer, I wouldn't want to spill precious blood."

"Michael, think very carefully about what you're doing." Michael grins sadistically at Lucifer's words.

"Oh, don't worry brother, I know exactly what I'm doing." Michael pushed me back to Lucifer before he could react, my hands connecting with him. Lucifer immediately falls to one knee at the connection, gasping for air as I struggle to comprehend the situation. "See what you do Lauren?" Michael's voice booms in the darkening street. "You kill him at a single touch. I can help you. I can make it stop." Once I registered what I was doing, I let go of Lucifer, tears stinging my vision as he fought to keep conscience.

I turned to Michael in desperation. 

"Please," I begged. "Why is this happening." He held out a gloved hand to me. He knew how to help. I couldn't bare hurting my own dad.

"Lauren." Lucifer gasped, fresh out of breath from a single word. "Don't." He reached for me but I pulled away in fear of hurting him again. 

"I'm sorry Lucifer but I can't do this. I can't hurt you." I stepped away, barely able to look at my dad's weak figure on the street road.

Michael's smug look of success welcomed me towards him. He put an arm over my shoulder which I shrugged off in defiance. If I had to go with him to figure this out, I didn't have to pretend I liked it.

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