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It was physically impossible for me to be more bored then I was at that moment. I was literally banging my head on the wall just to hear another noise other than my own voice. 

"So," I twist around to face Lucifer who was leaning against the wall with a smug expression written across his face. "How's being treated like an adult?" I stand up to walk over.

"Really great. Yup, absolutely fantastic. So far it's gotten me all the way to a private audience with your dear darling twin. But wait, there's more, your father decided to pay me a visit as well. Wasn't that kind of them?" I clap my hands together in sarcasm.

"What? Why were they here?"

"I don't know? I couldn't be bothered enough to listen to anything they said." Lucifer rolled his eyes. "Besides, why would I tell you?"

"Lauren you know why I did this, right? You were the one who wanted to stop being treated like a child, I'm just giving you what you want." 

I hold the bars in both hands and lightly bang my head against them. It was like the whole world was actively working to screw with me right now.

"Alright, stop that." Lucifer reached through and placed a hand between my head and the metal. "I am going to get you out. But you've got to understand that this behavior is not okay." 

"Yup, alright." He leaned down so I could see his face and the sternness he held.

"No. Not alright. That's the point. You have to stop." I look back at him, holding his gaze.

"I can't promise I won't do it again-"


"Because I don't know what's going to happen in the future. I don't know what I will need to do in order to stay alive. But... Sure. I will try and stop doing shit like this just because I'm bored." I can tell he doesn't believe me but he backs off and gestures for an officer to come and unlock the door. 

"Lauren Morningstar you are free to go." He tries to put a hand on my shoulder to push me out but I shrug it off, grunting in annoyance. 

"Let's go." Lucifer begins to walk off and I hesitate, watching him leave with his hands in his pockets, before jogging to catch up and heading home.


I swear if you don't get to the point soon, I'm going to start chopping off some fingers.

Come on, we both know you won't want to do that.

Oh? And you're sure about that?

Yup. Because you know what'll happen if you do.

Urgh. Fine. How much longer is this going to take?

I'm getting there alright. I was literally about to get to the interesting part before you interrupted me.

Well get on with it. Before I do something we're both going to regret.


The car pulled up to Lux and Lucifer put the gear into park before sitting back in silence.

"Right," I said. "Home sweet home." I opened the door at the same time as Lucifer and we walked inside the building. Lux was empty except for Maze who was lurking around the bar as usual.

"Maze pour me that Glenn McKenna scotch. It's been a long day." I watched her grab a glass while I stepped down the stairs.

I was two steps down when a weird, uncomfortable hot yet cold flush hit me and I stumbled a bit, suddenly feeling very dizzy. I tried to ignore it and walk it off but three more steps down, I could no longer hold myself up and would have fallen down the rest of the stairs if I hadn't held onto the railing.

"Lauren?" I heard Lucifer call my name but couldn't bring myself to look up from the spinning floor, doing my best not to hurl my guts. 

Something was very obviously wrong. I felt a rush of blood fall to my feet. Darkness began to creep into my vision and a screaming pain crushed my mind. I didn't even feel myself fall to the ground. I didn't know if or when I had lost consciousness, but the next thing I remember was a light creeping back in from the dark, two hands were on me. I was able to look up and see Lucifer in front of me. But he looked like he was choking, dying. He had his hands on me and it was like his strength was draining into me. It stopped when I pushed him off while Mazikeen helped to pull him away.

I gulped in fresh air and waited for the dizziness to subside.

"What the hell was that?" I gasped out. Lucifer had caught his breath and shuffled over to try and calm my increasing panicking

He reached out a hand but I flinched away, avoiding his touch like it was poison. "Don't- Don't touch me. I don't know what's going on." I started to freak out and the pain on his face that he couldn't help was too much. I struggled to my feet, walking off in a zig zag line until I reached the elevator, collapsing against the wall as all my strength left me. The doors closed and I looked up, watching the light indicate which floor I was up to till I reached the penthouse. When the doors opened, I stayed down for ten more seconds before standing up and walking out in a daze until I reached the balcony.

My mind was a whirl. That experience had been like none other. It was like all my strength had left, like I was dying. But when Lucifer touched me, I seemed to grow stronger as he grew weaker. 

"So." I whip around, facing that God-forsaken face. Literally. "How is it to be 17?" I screw my face up in confusion.

"What? You're losing it dude. I'm 16. I'm not 17 for another few months now." 

"That's what you think." What on earth was he talking about. The longer he stayed, the stronger the urge became to punch him in the face. He was losing his shit which was even more frustrating. "You see, currently, your birthday is the day you were given back to your mother, rather than the day you were actually born." I took a step back, leaning my hands against the railing.

"Well isn't that nice. Just another lie to add to the list of lies I've been told my whole life."

The elevator dinged and Lucifer walked out. "Lauren, I don't know what's going on but you need to let me help y-" He stopped when he saw his dad. "Dad? What the hell are you doing here?"

"Wait till you hear this Lucifer, I'm now seventeen and my birthday has been on the wrong date my entire life."

"What?" Lucifer looked at God, looking for an explanation.

"As I had just finished telling your daughter here, the birthday you assumed was her true one, was actually just the date she was given back to her mother, as her mother never bothered to remember her real one. Anyway, I just thought I would say happy birthday to you. As well as invite you to a family barbecue." I looked up from the spot on the floor I had been fixated on and opened my mouth in confusion.

"Yeah, no," Lucifer said with a scoff. "We aren't attending any more family gatherings with you."

"It's different this time. Michael has been sent home, and the rest of your siblings are going to be there." Every single one of my aunties and uncles in one place, on earth? Clearly that would violate some, divine power limit or something. "And it is a celebration of my retirement so-."

"What!" Lucifer exclaims. "How can you be retiring? You're god." God only shrugs.

"Anyway. I  better be off. I hope you both come as it wouldn't be the same without you. And Lauren." I linked my gaze with him in a glare. "Happy birthday my child." It took all of one single blink of an eye for him to disappeared and I looked through the empty space towards Lucifer. I was 17 today. Did that have anything to do with the incident that happened downstairs? All I knew was that if I wanted answers, I was going to need to attend this barbecue. Yippee

Lucifer's weakness (Lucifer's Daughter fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now