He Deserves This

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Taking a deep breath, I stood up off the bed. I wanted to get this done sooner rather than later. No point dragging it out.

I went downstairs, trying to sneak out of Lux. It was 4am and I was sure Lucifer was still asleep. the bar was dark and looked empty so it was easy to shift through the seats towards the exit.

"Going somewhere?" I nearly jumped a foot in the air at the unexpected voice. 

"Jesus Christ, Maze. Don't sneak up on people." She got up out of her seat and walked over slowly, swinging her dagger in her hands. 

"And you shouldn't be sneaking out this early in the morning."

"Look. I just need some air, alright."

"You're lying." Her eyes pierce into me, like she's looking into my soul so I avoid her gaze and look somewhere else. "Lucifer worries for you." I let out a sigh.

"Yeah, I know."

"So whatever you're doing, make sure it doesn't affect him. He has enough going on without having to worry about you." 

I look back at her, feeling more full of confidence. "Don't worry, once I'm done, Lucifer won't have to worry about me again. It'll all be okay." I turned my back on Maze and left out the door, not letting another word be said. 

Imagining the warehouse in mind, I teleported into the burnt rubble where Michael and I had agreed to meet. It was surreal being back to where me, Layla and Trixie had almost died. No one had cleared the explosion site since Silas had blown up the warehouse.

"Nice to see you niece." 

I twisted to face him and frowned. "I have a name."

"My apologies. I would imagine you would want this encounter to be as less personal as possible." Although his mouth smiled, it didn't reach his eyes.

"Right. Where is he? Let's just get this over with." Michael spread his wings in response, the ashen feathers filling the background. I followed suit and tailed him closely as he launched into the sky. I wasn't letting him out of my site. I needed to make sure I wasn't walking into a trap. 

The early morning sky chilled my skin, raising bumps in the flesh. The sun yawned across the landscape, slowly creeping over the horizon to wake the world. 

Michael glanced behind him and pointed down below before diving straight down. I twisted my body, aiming for the ground and tucked in my wings for a quicker descent. Before we hit, the both of us flapped, halting our free fall as our feet gently reached the gravel driveway. We were at Linda's house.

"Are you kidding me?!" I hissed through my teeth. "I am not killing him in front of his son and grandchild." Surely Michael had more morals than that. 

"He won't attack you in front of them so yes, we will use them to your advantage." I felt uneasy. This wasn't right. Michael seemed to sense my doubt and placed two of his weaselly hands on my shoulders. "Remember. This is the only way for you to take control of your life. Don't think too much on it. He deserves this." 

There was spite, hatred, and a little spark of excitement in Michael's eyes. His eagerness to kill his own father was unnerving. 

"Just focus on the energy that surrounds him and absorb it into you, like I showed you." Michael had prepared me fort his. God said that my powers wouldn't work on him and Michael said that was because I wasn't strong enough then. But I am now. "Do it. Take your life back. If you don't, you'll be living in fear of hurting everyone around you. You can't control it. You're dangerous." That fear gripped my heart which was pounding into my ribcage. I needed to do this. I needed to kill God before I killed anyone else.

I took a deep breath and walked up to the house, gravel crackling underneath my feet. I noticed Michael had slunk away into the shadows but continued walking to the front door.

"Lauren stop!" My footsteps halted, heart stopping. "Don't go in that house." Lucifer walked towards me. I could practically feel his anger panic dripping off of him. The adrenaline pumped through my veins, sparking a new sense of power and purpose. I could see him without even looking at him. His emotions were like a cloud in the back of my mind. "I don't know what Michael has told you but it's a lie."

Once I got a taste of how strong I feel, the addicting pulse of power inside me, I wanted more. I needed more. I turned to face my father, my face cold and expressionless. 

"I know what I'm doing, Dad. You need to go." I hadn't even noticed the crawling of fire along my skin. Lucifer stared, barely able to hide his horror as the base of my wings darkened to black which spread like wild fire

"Lauren," he warned. "Don't lose control." Behind him, Michael's pearl white teeth sparkled with delight at the scene. My gaze flickered from him, back to Lucifer, who had his hands up cautiously, slowly stepping towards me. 

Anger ripped through me. He didn't understand. I was doing this for him. So I didn't accidentally kill him. All I wanted was for him to see that I knew what I was doing.

"Lucifer I'm warning you. If you take one more step, you are going to wake up in the hospital." Fury glowered in my eyes. 

"You aren't thinking clearly Lauren. Just come back home with me and we can talk this out like adults." He was trying so hard. But not hard enough. Gravel crunched as he took a step and I let out a small smile before propelling myself forward with my wings, slamming into Lucifer who was pushed back from the force. He regained his footing, eyes red with wrath. "Fine."

He stalked towards me, blocking my fist with casual swipes of an arm. I yelled in frustration, throwing attack after attack. He grabbed my wrists, holding tight and I squealed at the burning sensation of my twisting skin. I focused on the power within me and teleported up, up high into the fresh morning sky and when Lucifer let go, I moved behind him to block any chance of using his wings to save himself.

We plummeted down, the grown looming closer at an unforgiving speed. Lucifer called out my name but the wind in my ears blocked any chance of me listening. I waited for the perfect time and teleported back to the ground. Lucifer immediately spread his wings but wasn't quick enough as he hit the ground with a cruel amount of force. I waited for the dust from the gravel to disappear and saw him push himself up. His eyes slowly lifted to catch my gaze. I had really pissed him off. But I couldn't stop now.

 He waited for me to attack again before grabbing the arm headed for his jaw, twisting it behind my back painfully and kicked my legs out from underneath me. It happened so quickly I didn't have time for it to register till I was crying out from the pain in my shoulder and knees. "Calm down for goodness sake!"

"I'd let her go if I were you brother." Finally, Michael crawled out of the shadows, slowly, tauntingly moving towards us.

"Michael what the hell have you done to her?"

"I just told her what she needed to hear. She's doing this all on her own I Promise you that."

With Lucifer distracted, his grip loosened and I curled under his arm, pulling my arm free and teleporting to Michael's side. My wings felt red hot which only fueled my rage.

"Lauren please don't! I don't know what you are going to do but please, please don't hurt my family." Emotion flooded my chest causing a dull ache in my lungs. I fought a sob that threatened to release from my throat.

"That's just it Lucifer. I'm this for you, for the family. For everyone!" I turned my back, feeling his desperation towards me.

I heard Michael attack and knew that he would keep dad busy. Now it was my turn to do what I came here to do.

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