Bloody Hell Lauren

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Lauren's POV

I woke up with a wicked hang over, and stumbled to sit up, clutching my head in hopes to silence the pounding headache, my throat felt raw and acidy. Outside, the sky was dark but I had no idea what time it was.

"You're up." I look up to see Lucifer standing at the bar with a glass in hand. Ugh, I feel that if I so much as glance at alcohol again, I would definitely throw up. Nope. Gonna throw up anyway. I rush to the bathroom, nearly missing the toilet as I hurl my guts out. I hear Lucifer chuckle behind me and silently curse his existence. Hell I'm exhausted.

"After last night, I didn't think you had anything left in your stomach." So that's why my mouth tasted like acid.

"Don't you have anything better to do?" I asked, half in a yawn. He's so annoying sometimes. I turn around to face him and look into his eyes. "Why are you guilty?" I say, confused at seeing am emotion, I wasn't used to seeing in his eyes. He instantly turns away, avoiding my gaze.

"Don't do that." His voice was frustrated.

"Well you never tell me anything so what else can *yawn* I do?"

"How about not invade others privacy?" Ugh, why was he so painful? I wipe any left over vomit from my face and stand up to leave.

"Well, whatever you're guilty about, I obviously don't know so stop worrying. It's not a good look for you."

"Alright. I'm sorry, okay. I didn't know it was your birthday and I didn't know that your mum..." So the dimwitted idiot figures it out. "If I had known-"

"What. What would you do? Would you have been sympathetic? Would you pity me? Would you even care?!"

"Of course I would care Lauren. But I had no idea what day it was and im sorry." He sounded sincere, but he still his his eyes and I couldn't see him.

"Sure, whatever." I closed my eyes as I said this, missing the numbness of sleep. I didn't even really care what he thought. The stupid day was done and finished for another year, I didn't want to think about it ever again. "I'm going back to sleep. What time is it?"

"Two in the morning." He responded. And without another word, I went back to the couch and flopped on the cushions, falling asleep the moment my head hit the pillow.


Lucifer's POV
When Lauren didn't wake at seven in the morning, I left to visit the lower floor of the club. There was a theme of black light tonight and I was looking forward to seeing my guests glow. Perhaps there would be a few wearing nothing but glow in the dark paint. That would be a treat.

The elevator dinged open and I stepped out, adjusting the cuffs to my sleeves before heading down to the bar for a drink.
"Maze, a drink please." The little demon walked over grumpily and placed a glass, rather harshly, on the countertop before filling it with alcohol.

"What's with you?" I asked. She was acting moodier than usual.

"You're distracted. That girl is taking up your time and you aren't getting to do the things that matter." True, wait...

"She does matter."

"Well maybe she should matter a little less." Right. She was getting on my nerves.

"Watch it Maze. Don't you forget who works for who." She just sneered and walked off to serve another guy at the bar. Bloody hell. What was with the women in my life. The only normal person in my life right now was the detective. Actually speak of the me, here she is now.

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