The Morning After

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Lucifer's POV

Authors Note: Okay, I was feeling generous and desperately wanting to get to this event so here is the third chapter in a day! (Gosh I spoil you guys)

Lauren's been acting weird all day. She looked super uncomfortable when the Detective explained the case. I didn't think murder would affect her. It hasn't ever before.

"You alright?" I didn't know what else to do other than ask, certain she wouldn't say anything anyway.

"Yup. Fine, why?" Told you.

"No reason. You just seem to be acting a little off lately." She only shrugged in response. There was nothing else to do except let it go. Maybe she was just tired. She got up pretty early this morning. Chloe came back out to talk more about the case.

"Murder is the same as the last one. Body left in pieces. We weren't able to run facial recognition this time but his ID badge told us it was one of our own. He was the cop that came back to work recently after..." Chloe gave a side glance at Lauren who glared in response, before carrying on. "I think we have to prepare for a serial killer on our hands. This guy seems to have a list. Leaving the bodies mangled and barely recognizable. We have a suspect lined up so let's get this over with." She heads over to her desk to grab some stuff before heading out the door and gesturing for us to follow. I look at Lauren, who only gives a single glance in my direction before following the detective.


"The suspects name is Olivia Robinson. She was a former victim of our dead stalker, Campbell Myers and is a previous girlfriend of our cop. She has a past record of aggravated assault on Myers when she thought she'd take revenge in her own hands. Maybe she tried again." This girl seemed messed up. And who could blame her.

The car rolls to a stop at an old, run down hotel. Chloe said our suspect was in room 24b. I gesture for Lauren to follow, and she begrudgingly gets out of the car and tags along. The door was locked when we got to the door so Chloe went to look in the windows. She really does not think. I gave the lock a look, and twisted it, knowing it would unlock for me. The door instantly swings open. Chloe glances at me and sighs, before accepting it and tiptoeing inside. The room was a mess. It reminded me of that case from a while ago with Emily Devine's murder.

"Olivia Robinson! LAPD!"

"I didn't do it. He's lying!" A shrill voice called out from a closed door, causing the Detective to grab out her gun and stalk towards the door.

"Olivia. We just want to talk. Get your side of the story." That was Chloe. Always trying to make peace. It was too slow for me. I walked to the door, ignoring Chloe's desperate whispers, the wrenched the door off its hinges, walking towards the screaming girl before backing off when her shrieking started to hurt my ears.

"Bloody hell. We only want to talk." She stops screaming and begins to cry. I hate it when people cry.

"I didn't do it." She claims between sobs. "He framed me. I don't know what he said but it wasn't me." She was making no sense.

"Olivia. Who do you think framed you?" Straight to the point as always Detective.

"John? He said if I broke up with him he would make me regret it. Said he'd get his cop friends to come for me and lock me up."

"John is dead."

"What?" She stopped her sniffling and looked genuinely shocked. "He is?" Her surprised expression didn't last long as she gave a short laugh. "Finally. I hoped he would drop off." She pauses when she caught sight of Chloe's gun. "You think I did it?"

Lucifer's weakness (Lucifer's Daughter fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now